
Which is interesting because I've got a bunch of friends who also have bills and taxes to pay, and they'd absolutely love to be able to tour to do it. Perspective is everything.

I bet there are plenty of other equally talented people out there who never got a chance to get near a mic. Right time, place, and connections is the real gift.

Ha. Yeah, I can see him being an asshole. But he gave us Aenima, Undertow, and Opiate.

Ummmm... We don't get quality entertainment anymore because everything is owned by Clear Channel and Cumulus.

It IS a shitty deal.

Being drunk or sober wouldn't make a difference to any of the guys I've ever known who would take advantage of an unconscious chick. Yes, usually they're drunk or high too because of the setting. But they'd do it sober too.

I can't speak for everywhere, but where I live it's all very vague - guidelines more than clear cut rules. It's all up to the interpretation of law enforcement and child welfare investigators, based on child 'maturity'. So technically (unlikely but totally legally possible) you could get charged with neglect and

That's the trouble with sarcasm.

Pretty sure Vin Diesel makes more than $77 an hour.

Your link is broken.

To HELL with the laundry!

Yup. I'm doing it right now. Breached the limit on my first card last week. Now surviving on the second card until my wife starts her new job next month, and the clients start calling me again.

Yeah sorry, but this just bugs me. It sounds like they're all being really disrespectful to you.

I can't imagine it being my friends' business who I talk to and who I don't. Do what you want. You'll find out who your real friends are.

Whoa whoa whoa! There's no call for that kind of hostility.

Oh man, eyeroll so hard to this whole "banned/bounced" thing. It's nitpicky stuff like this that drives writers to drink.

"Someone may literally have shot the cure for AIDS out of the sky. Great fucking job, humanity."

That's beyond terrible. Just wtf.

I totally agree. When did this become about gun control?

There are a lot of shitbag cops who go home and do the same thing to their wives - agreed. I saw a stat one time that said rates of domestic violence are three times higher among cops than general civilian population.