You're Damn Right I'm a Yankees Fan

Doug Jones won.

Tonight’s guest on “How to tell someone is not from New York”

On The Big Bang Theory we have a bunch of educated people who are portrayed as so blatantly socially inept that they seem to have a mental disease. Smart people are universally disliked.

THE BEST PICKLE IS NO PICKLE. Pickles are disgusting. Why do people love them so much??

I would cosine his rant, but that probably isn’t a good idea considering his feeling on the Pythagorian Theorem.

come on, buddy. I’m a huge yankees fan, but like, don’t be that guy.

“I Love Basketball” K.P.

Cutler hasn’t cared about football in years and was a vocal supporter of a misogynistic, racist, abrasive Presidential campaign yet there was not outcry against signing him. Kap kneeled during the national anthem to protest videos of people actually being killed by police.

A Red Sox fan who beats his girlfriend and is a complete fucking asshole? Color me shocked.

I’m not here to say whether Torre is a bigot or not, Hernández may have a point in regards to white umps getting promoted. I do know that Hernández doesn’t get to work World Series games because he’s a fucking terrible umpire.

Best outcome here is that they trade Kristaps but end up stuck with Melo, right?

The 3 most important words in this piece: “completely privately funded”.

How were his 2 home run trots this series different than any Ortiz took in the last 5 years of his career?

In other words, the Cardinals lost.

No, passing on a double yellow is being an asshole. Swerving to intimidate and kill is [attempted (edit)] murder. Asshole is much lower on the scale.

I think the more important question is what is in Dolan’s semen that renders the sucker of said dick incapable of recognizing Charles Oakley?