
Those many rounds of applause and standing ovation were really bothering me.  I can’t recall if this is the standard response for most SOTU addresses, but it just kills the pace (and it seems a little desperate to please).  

He’s not wrong. I can’t remember the last time I actually laughed at something Colbert said. Probably at least since the Colbert Report went off the air.

If you can’t parse what she’s saying but the rest of us can, doesn’t that make you the idiot?

Please get over the plasticity of language. There are tons of vernaculars within American English and they’re all equally valid as languages.

No, she only sounds ‘stupid’ if you have white supremacist ideals of English language usage. Because it’s a living language with multiple colonized cultures participating in the growth of the language her usage is no less valid than that of an upper middleclass suburbanite’s, nor an Australian aboriginal’s, nor the

I’ll wait for all the evidence.  Sue me.  I’m cynical.

My favorite comment from Couric about that interview was on WTF with Marc Maron, where she internally cringed a little bit because she saw Palin was struggling, and Marc totally empathized because he’d been in that position too as an interviewer where you think internally “Oh no, this is going bad...”

We all are. But he’ll be forgotten about soon enough. Until he gets nominated to the Supreme Court in 40 years or so.

Is it suddenly not okay to exclusively use violently aggressive metaphors when we’re talking about women who annoy us? Did I miss the memo on that one?

Yeah, all this crap she spews like *checks notes* wanting to reopen the government so people can get paid, laws are enforced, criminals are investigated, food and drugs are inspected, national parks can reopen, etc.

Sure you didn’t want to include shrill in your screed there? 

It shouldn’t take a tv show to bring somebody obviously guilty to justice. The authorities should be ashamed of themselves for ignoring this for so long. VH1 is not supposed to be an integral part of our criminal justice system. Only now, with overwhelming public pressure, are the people who are supposed to protect us

A reminder here that “meteoric rise” was coined to mean someone who appears out of nowhere, blazes into extreme fame, and then crashes and burns.

Oh FFS. Yes, that too. My answer to an Amy Schumer hater asking BUT WHY DOES SHE GET TO DO THIS?? is because she makes studios money (ie has an audience / is successful). And yes, because she’s talented and made a career happen for herself. And probably lots of other reasons. I sincerely hope shitting your pants over

She’s a popular comedian. Why does this surprise so many people?

Scrolled through all these seven=month-old posts just to make sure Enos was mentioned. Well done.

Says way more about you than it does about the episode.

When I was in middle school we had to worry about the Trenchcoat Mafia.

Colbert isn’t even Hollywood you dumbshit, he’s a New Yorker, living in New York and the current and previous 3 shows he was on were in....New York.

I’m not going to even waste my time with your anti-corporate diatribe.

all i know is , Kingsman Part 2 wants me to see the Bitch back in other movies. In other words, worth it to see Elton John have fun with his role. 

Probably my least favorite of the season but still definitely better than “Playtest” or “The Waldo Moment”