
I thought Elton John has been quite vocal about his personal problems?

It’s a drama/suspense show with comedic elements. But it’s more of a mystery/drama than anything else.

I relate to your wife. While watching I kept saying “she needs to fall back with that dragon and keep him safe.”

I didn’t think it was nearly as bad as everyone is saying. The worst part for me was Euron vs. Jaime, the battle no one asked for.

>then you had Janelle Monae, doing surrealism.

Agreed—it felt more a necessary episode to reconnect all the characters and show their growth. I would say it was good and as elegantly written as it could have been, but got all-time great.

Ahhh, well that explains why he doesn’t even try to bother with delivery the last few times he says it.

That makes sense! When I was in college I listened to “Nilsson Schmilsson” dozens of times and never tired of it, I think it’s truly great. So for me, it was just a pleasure to hear it repeated, but I can see how it might be annoying to some.

I actually think Russian Doll handled the loop thing really well. But then, I love that Harry Nilsson song.

What, no “In Treatment?” Shame.

I just watched The Comedian, and I think that it should have been a wee bit shorter, but I give it a higher score than this review does. The biggest problem I have with it is that he starts his act with the same shitty “joke” each time before “discovering” that he gets laughs by singling out people in his life. It’s

>the original’s most uncomfortable element, the scene with the crows

>as the hero is now officially known

Well that’s a pretty ignorant position. A) in certain areas of the country 50K isn’t all that much, and B) directing a major film is anything but easy.

well this all feels very late 90s in terms of the split screen. I don’t like VW’s music, but this song seems tolerable...barely. I don’t get why they made it, TBH.

Right? How could they have left that out of the history? That was actually my introduction to her character in the first place.

>the SC assaulter.

It’s a great show, why not cover it?

I saw that movie last night and she was so good in it. Really solid little movie all around.

There’s no way in hell Black Panther will win BP. They’re all just patting themselves on the back for even nominating it, but no one will actually vote for it.