
“Gonzalez tried to pass off the order as a joke”

For me it was Northern Exposure, which I only became aware of in its 4th season (but one of our local channels started showing reruns so I caught up after I started watching season 4-5.

I’m sure this has been said by other people, but I am continually impressed by how well this show highlights the maladaptive behaviors that are hollywood romcom tropes while still channeling their entertaining qualities. I’m a therapist--I see a lot of dysfunctional relationships. I usually hate TV depictions of

I wasn’t familiar with all of his awful behavior, but now I’m starting to understand the hate for Max Landis and I’m also starting to share it. I initially had sympathy for him because I know he has a history of struggling with mental health issues,  but I was unaware of a lot of this context. Gross.

Why do you read things that make you angry, Bobby?

It’s standard. But there are times when it feels more organic or less organic. This time it just felt painfully artificial which made it stand out a bit more--but it’s always a little awkward, IMO.

What have you heard?

She was great in Thoroughbreds--really nailed the entitled narcissist thing quite well.

I missed it, was there new info disclosed?

Underrated song.

Is it bad that my first thought when I read the update was “please dear god don’t let this be fake because that diminishes the severity of real hate crimes?” But that’s awful, because in reality it would be better if this didn’t really happen.

It was meant as a joke because Palin complained that Couric asking her what magazines she read was “gotcha” journalism. Which is stupid as hell.

Ooooh, yeah, the haunted house one. That was decent! You can’t say he didn’t have a sense of humor about himself.

Katie Couric -> Sarah Palin

Wow it seems like no one can handle just watching this show, they’re having fits in the comments. I would say that means the show is doing its job. People are critical of The Daily Show for not being sharp or clever or hard-hitting enough. When they actually get something that IS all of those things, people lose their

> Samantha Bee, the rabid chihuahua that should have been put down Ol’ Yeller style years ago.

I learned about Apocalypse Now from Animaniacs.

I like this show so I’ll enjoy continuing to watch it--but I’m a little in awe that the two leads are still trucking along as well as they seem to be.

This is a guy who doesn’t think it’s wrong to make fun of gay people, and he doesn’t really feel the need to change that. It’s somewhat unsurprising.

I think the editing did affect it, because when I heard the joke I was doing other things and not watching the screen, and I thought it worked better if you just listened to it.