
I said the SAME EXACT words. For reals. Word for word.

As always, I am hesitant to reply to comments with the knowledge that the Kinja system elevates Staff contributions and thus the comments themselves, but I want to address this since I’ve seen it pop up a couple of times in my notifications.

Probably the inverse he is testing what people will like by letting the show writers use his ending and then can change it for the books and claim that is what he always intended.

I’m with your wife on this, I can’t deny.

Literally the only reason why I’m reading these comments.

Yep. Pretty much all I care about here. 

Wife: How was the episode?

haha, you’re crazy, that was awesome.

The odd spacing, the constant use of recycled Baby Boomer buzzwords, the sincere belief that people give a shit what you think . . . yep, a sad old dickhead in his 50s definitely wrote this.

I guess they enabled Fast Build along with Fast Travel. 

I thought I agreed with you about why he was starting with the 2nd amendment bit every time, but my friend pointed out that he was probably testing the magic to make sure he had to sacrifice something for the set to work, not simply now the magic applied always.  He knows it’s not a funny joke at this point. 

Agree 100% with everything you said.

Considering the article doesn’t mention social or racial commentary, then I guess you answered your own question

One of the worst things about the Trump presidency (ok, maybe not THE worst) is this constant effort to make people think the Bushes weren’t all that bad!

Wow this video is horrible, out of focus/rotating shots of a grocery store.

Are you implying that low-income families do not produce children of high intelligence, only athletes?

They also left out House of M, where Danvers was called Captain Marvel in an alternate universe and was an impetus for her to become Captain Marvel in the regular universe when everything went back to normal (at least, as normal as things get in the Marvel universe).

When did Rogue absorb most of her powers for a time? That was a thing, right, or am I thinking of someone else?

Damn son, are you trying to beat the charges or get confirmed to the Supreme Court?

What is the point of making your bed in the first place? I’m not talking about washing, which is necessary, but tucking in the sheets, etc. It’s purely aesthetic, right?

What is the point of making your bed in the first place? I’m not talking about washing, which is necessary, but