
It’s so true, right? You can’t go anywhere in a video game subreddit and not see someone complaining that a female, or black main character will ruin their immersion. Same people have no issue playing a green dinosaur in Yoshi games, but somehow being a woman reminds them that they’re sitting on a couch and not

I can only speak for myself, but it matters, and sometimes it’s cool to see an awesome character that looks like you cause I can only see myself in characters like Superman or Batman up to a certain point. I’m a black dude with dreadlocks, and before The Static Shock cartoon, I never knew of superheroes who dealt with

Oddly enough it’s the straight white non-Jewish men who have the biggest issues with being able to relate to someone who isn’t like them. Everyone else has long since learned to make do.

Oh don’t kid yourself. They think centrists are worse than child molesters too.

>>> “...defined as......involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger). As far as we know at present, the youngest girl whom Moore allegedly pursued was 14 years old...” <<<

No, I’m perfectly happy conflating these right now, thanks.

He’s a pedophile because he tried to pick-up, at best, or molest, at worst, a 14 year-old girl

I still don’t think I’ve ever seen a good explanation of what Nathan For You is.

Alabama is about to vote for a guy that will need Megan’s Law clearances to appear in malls and high schools.

Nope, not enough. I want to say more.

When asked whether there is any way that Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey can be forgiven, Bryan Cranston says, “We should let that open... Let’s leave it open for the few who can make it through that gauntlet of trouble and who have reclaimed their life and their dignity and their respect for others. Maybe it’s

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except

I thought this ending was sort of lame. I enjoyed this show overall, but it does “cheat”, and it’s characters are inconsistent. For instance, the way Russell reacted to Gamby saying he was the killer last episode felt like it was manipulated in a way to trick the audience and create conflict, and not true to how he

Even Gamby went along with that too, granted it wasnt his idea, but he did join in.

Oh I agree—-Lee is definitely a bad guy no matter what the shooting ends up being—but the question is really is he a murderous sociopath, or just a guy who uses people to fit his own needs, then discards them when they start becoming too much of an effort.

“Also, while he never admitted, he never denied it, did he?”

That Gamby/Russell fight was so fucking satisfying, as was hearing some of the deranged shit Lee did as a kid. I’m gonna miss the hell out of this show when it ends next week, but man, has it been a fun ride.

But I wanted to be right for once in my life!!!!!

Once again I have to applaud this show for having the focus to plan out a clear series trajectory with a definite structure....including a definitive end. Way too many shows just let things drag on until they get cancelled against their will. These guys went the opposite way. Good stuff.

It’s less about the act and more about the fact that it wasn’t part of the script, and the ONLY reason Duffers added it in was BECAUSE it made Sink uncomfortable. That’s an asshole move, no matter what. Why does that matter? Because we, as a society, need to stop making excuses and letting people get away with acting