
Well, duh.

Please expand on “Hillary Clinton would have made a great [puppet.]” Because without context or supporting statements that kind of thing just makes you sound ignorant and foolish.

Ah yes, Hillary Clinton, noted Wall Street enemy and political outsider, uninterested in expanding power.

“Good puppets do exactly what you want; Hillary Clinton would’ve made a great one.”

yeah, she’s terrific in the movie. Easy to get distracted by her glamour and *ahem* bad botox, but she’s the real deal. I suspect Kubrick hired Tom to get Nicole, and to explore their whole weird relationship.

I think Kenan is better in the FBI Simulator/Kevin Roberts sketch. He’s not just uncertain, he’s angry about this absurd weirdo and refuses to believe that such a person could exist, much less have a likeminded friend and a woman who’d permit him to get to second base.

“2042?” There is no year “2042.” Do you mean the year 18 Post-Trump?