
You know what’s outrageous? Slideshows

Ah, I see we spun the Big Wheel of Takes and today it landed, once again, on “Friends Was Too White.”

No, that would require actual journalists, and AVC is mostly just a clearing-house for press releases, as well as a being a churner of others’ content.

Question: do AV Club writers have industry connections or do they do any other kind of independent research when putting articles like this together? It seems like it’s just (poor quality) speculation layered over the top of another outlet’s report. And yes, I know: welcome to the internet.

The comment section thinks Hattie Lindert is a shit-tier click-bait ‘writer’ working for a corporate advertisement website masquerading as a blog that hasn’t been worth a damn for years and will likely be sold off yet again as soon as the old white men who run it figure they can get a decent return on their


You're just writing about this now? This happened like two days ago and the entire internet has already weighed in. Just, what's even the point?

And yet the discourse continues, inevitable as the tides, trapping us in the unceasing whirlpool in perpetuity,” said the whirlpool.

This is some real bottom-of-the-barrel Kinja shit. RIP AV Club.

Yep. It’s that and that a lot of those same people got personally invested in his marriage to Anna Faris and feel like they are a wronged party/deserve answers in his divorce and subsequent remarriage. It’s the same thing as with John Mulaney. Just total fucking weirdos reacting to a celebrity divorce the same way

How else are they supposed to get clicks and their seven dollars a week?

The weirdest thing about when they broke up was all the comments posted on their social media. ‘I will pray for this marriage!’ Honey, maybe they don’t WANT you to pray for their marriage. You do not know these people. If they don’t want to be with each other anymore, that’s their business. Not yours.

Yep it’s absolutely bizarre. There was the meme of all the “hot Chris’s” and then suddenly one had to be evil, or something. And there was precious little to justify it. I live about 10 miles from where Pratt grew up, and 10 miles from where “Jesus” Jim Caveziel grew up (in the other direction). Pratt just goes about

You are right on the parasocial thing but I think the really catalyst was when he and Anna Farris broke up. People get invested in Hollywood marriages and it felt like people felt the need to “take sides” on a matter that didn’t concern them.

That always seemed weird to me. I mean sure if he belongs to a church that is not accepting to LGBTQ people that is shitty. But if someone is a Catholic they also belong to a church that isn’t really accepting of LGBTQ people (as are at least several protestant denominations, not really sure about other religions).

I have always found the criticism of Chris Pratt to be lazy AF. People making broad assumptions about who the guy is, based on where he may/may not attend church, as proof that he is homophobic or endorses homophobic views.

No-one has ever been able to point to clear and proven homophobic actions or sentiments that

He’s kinda being religious while in the “wrong” group. If you’re accepting an award at the CMAs, it’s okay to thank God. If you’re black and accepting an award (that’s statistically pretty rare, I know), it’s okay to thank God. But Pratt is a young white guy in Hollywood who’s probably religious despite what he says,