
The idea that James Mangold -- who I like plenty -- directed an Indy movie that’s better than *half* of the ones Spielberg directed.... oh, no, no no no no.

If O’Neal came back I’d punch out a junkie and steal his meth.

I’m sorry, you’ll get the same four guys making shitty, obvious jokes on every thread and trolls who only comment on culture-war stuff. I don’t make the rules.

It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!

Good god! They really are reviving the old A.V. Club, aren’t they? What’s next? A takedown review by Ignatiy? The long-prophesied return of Snarkmaster General Sean O’Neal himself?!

Its a small, but fascinating point to me. Sounds like it's an important element for him so I'm just so curious how they achieve his vision on a large scale.

I didn’t even watch the show, and even I was pissed off at that. Absolutely no reason to do it other than wave about the fact that, what, they got to view a reviewer screener before the ep was dropped? Or are they really just that goddamn solipsistic?

And the fucking a-bet-each-way snark designed to piss off/appeal to everyone (“We all know Tom Hanks fans are the worst - haha, just kidding, Hanksians - or are we?”) can piss off. 

And if anyone knows where the old neon A.V. Undercover sign is, we’d love to use it.” I do.

How is they still getting work?

Was this written by AI or are you just that bad at writing?

Lol to the state of article writing: Eric Idle makes a claim. John Cleese speaks for the Pythons and refutes claim. Author of article rather talk about Cleese being anti-cancel culture instead of headline. Diverts article to talk about that even though it’s completely off topic instead of just writing two separate

What a dumb fucking article.

Yesterday the AVC published an article calling Scorsese an out-of-touch, overrated old dude. Now they publish this praising his career. What a junk heap this site has become.

This site used to be such an important voice in film and television. Very sad to see where it is now.

This is genuinely one of the most rancid, thoughtless articles in the history of the AV Club. It is antithetical to what this website used to be. G/O Media should do us a favor and shut the whole fucking thing down.

Jonah Hill made certain demands in the relationship. Those demands were bad: super unreasonable, petty, controlling, and born of deep insecurity. You could even argue they were misogynistic or narcissistic; that’s all fine. And for his own sake, if nothing else, Hill needs to get over whatever is making him this way.

I honestly thought the link about diminishing media literacy was just going to link back to the AVC homepage.

It feels disproportionate.  Denzel Washington is a member of The Church of God and Christ, which sees homosexuality and abortion as sins (and actively promotes those stances), but that’s not as well-known or doesn’t seem to impact people’s views of Denzel.

Remembering the clicks we want in 2023