Kiki in the afternoon
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Has everyone seen the trailer for Big Eyes?

Switch James Franco for Dave Franco and we've got a deal.

I love that you include Roseanne in this mix. People don't put her in the same category with other great TV moms, but SHE was out there busting her ass in any demeaning job she could get, sometimes two at a time, to make ends meet. Living in a town that didn't offer their kids a lot of options, but clearly loved them

This was the best

I don't know if this is a horror story, but it's definitely the most embarrassing part.

So first: I don't think labor was a nightmare. I had a natural birth at a freestanding birth center. I did hypnosis. I had a doula who did all kinds of weird shit to get me through. I got to labor in a jacuzzi. It worked for me and

Of course I'm weighing in. Be warned, I am giving (almost) all the details.

Gah. Last time there was a horror story thread about childbirth on Jezebel, I was on the bus on my way to work, reading along on my phone. Then someone mentioned buckets, and isn't it crazy that the same supplies you buy at Home Depot can be used in delivery? NOPE. In horror, I shut my phone off, shut my

So I went to one of those super hippy birth classes (for TEN weeks) and they were against everything that doctors normally advise. This would include not eating a lot as you're going into labor, or the day you're to be induced (of course they were against that as well). I ended up being induced at 42 weeks because

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Jon Hamm's face/monochromatic clothes in that make me think of this for some reason

Kathie Lee and Hoda are literally the smartest women in the country. They found a way to get paid to get drunk and talk about inappropriate shit. I raise my glass in your honor, ladies.

As a woman "you need some type of release," says Jones, who has a 5-year-old daughter.

I'm an artist who has put out three records with major labels and independently and I buy music. I buy music because even if the artists are with majors, it's the money the majors make from Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Coldplay, Katy etc that funds the development of other artists. The big fish pay for the little fish, and

I thought Frozen took a look at the tropes Disney built itself on and tried to find a way to subvert them but still keep to the spirit of a Disney movie. I certainly never felt there was "man bashing" ( can we please not make this a thing btw. I only speak for myself and #notallmen but frankly we've done enough shit

Four cats, you say? This guy is an amateur.

Since Mark said we are free to share male butts in the comments, I got some for ya. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for the greatness that is Cazwell's "Ice Cream Truck."

Broad City gif party!

yassssss Broad City is my favorite thing in this world

everything in this movie was a fashion do, and anyone who says otherwise can fucking fight me.