I can’t be alone in a house without dogs. Even with everything locked. Because ghosts and aliens.
I can’t be alone in a house without dogs. Even with everything locked. Because ghosts and aliens.
Pretty much...read between the lines and you get “Because we got kids I won’t be saying what I really want to way which is ‘Fucking fuck him and his bullshit excuses involving his family'
I believe this is why her statement is worded the way it is—she is trying to let people know that she can’t speak her mind for fear of losing custody of her children.
“the greatest pitcher of his generation”
She’s also almost assuredly barred from dragging him in the media by the terms of their divorce, specifically the custody stuff. You can’t be dragging your ex if it could be seen as alienating your kids from him or you could lose your kids. Even if everything you say about him is true.
I’m sure if it weren’t for her kids that statement would have contained a LOT more in terms of invective and calling down the curses of Heaven and Hell. As it is, Lauer gets more press, to play Sad Man Victim, and she’s hounded into having to even think about all this again.
I feel bad for clicking but thought, what could she ever say so I did
My first question reading the title was “Why?” And then of course you find out because some fucking vultures are hounding her for a quote. It is beyond a shame she even had to release a statement like this.
She divorced him, people shouldnt be asking her about this. She isn’t required to have an opinion on her ex -husbands criminal behavior.
I would be thrilled!
I forgot a title! May I nominate Nope Forever Woods after the fact?
Yeah welcome to NOPE FOREVER WOODS, turning around right the hell now.
Ya that shit is a good story. false but good
I think of that one more often than I care for.
YES. i love to tell people about that.
Y’all can try, but nothing is going to beat that “Look at me” story from a few years ago. That one fucked me UP.
Doesn’t this mean you are also basic
I currently live in a haunted home. We live in a 150+ year old farmhouse outside of Toronto, Canada. My wife’s family has lived here for 40 years and in that time they’ve seen and heard lots of different things.
I wasn’t anticipating having a long weekend when the day started today. Oh well!
I was just about to post that!! WOOHOOO!!