Aimee G.

I not normally one to brag about hookups, but that one was brag-worthy, humble or not!

I agree with all this, they’re both on my top list of favorite actors, I love what they’ve both done with their careers.

He has a dark sense of humor, he always says stuff like that in interviews. I really don’t think he’d have the career he does he sucked at his job.

Two, if you’re really convinced that you’re incompetent at your job, what the fuck are you still doing here?

So interesting he and Kristen Stewart went very similar routes. Both starred in the Twilight movies, got their money and then decided to be actors. Both took roles in small indie movies that challenged them to grow, and in my opinion both succeeded beyond all expectations. Pattinson is absolutely electric in Good

Humblebrag of the year slides into the comments at the 11th hour.

I don’t see his face as Batman face, but then we also have Buttfleck. 

I am not a Twi-hard by any means, but having hooked up with a guy who looks disturbingly like Robert Pattinson, I have to say: Would. Watch. 

Children can sense evil.

I rewatched that SNL skit a few days ago. I had a deep sad. 

You also appear to have a heart, Devonna, making you an entirely different species. :)

ALSO Hershey bars are necessary for the s’mores my big ass is gonna make all through the winter, so yeah. lol

I wanted to get that, but my husband took it upon himself to get a bunch of candy in the mini sizes.

I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the year when President Obama met Lil’ Pope...

Neighborhood hero.

I’m giving out full-sized Hershey bars, not because I’m rich, but because I have a Costco membership. 60 full-sized packs of candy (reese’s, hershey’s, skittles, starburst) for under $30? Yes, please.

Lies! I will fight you for a Charleston Chew. Those things are fucking delicious.

I’m imagining there must have been a lot of Toblerone’s and imported Cadbury bars to make that kind of assumption.