Aimee G.

Ben was awful. Truly awful. I watched that Superman/Batman film. Almost as bad as Dukes of Hazzard which my sister reviewed with one word, joyless. (I watch a lot of films, at least one a week at the theater, so I've seen my share of truly shitty movies and surprisingly wonderful ones.)

Bruce Willis is able to walk a line of high grossing action pictures and serious acting. Maybe that's what he's referring to. I know serious acting is not what we all think of when we think of Willis but he has the ability. 

I once hooked up with a guy who looked liked David Bowie circa Sound and Vision. Do not regret at all.

I hope the recommended something for her lieabetes.

We used to call him pube head because his hair was so pube-y

Warren is a terrible candidate but tone policing ain't it. 

Okay. Hershey's with almonds is awesome. Neccos, Good & Plenty, and Charleston Chews are also passable. Bit O Honey can kick rocks tho. Anyone giving out raisins is the spawn of Satan. Nooooooooo

She reminds me of the pushy PTA mom that takes other people’s ideas and passed them off as her own.

Elizabeth Warren is an appropriater. Culture. Ideas. Stories. Everything. She’s the Dollar Tree powdered skim milk version of HRC. Looks similar but leaves an awful taste in your mouth. No. Thanks.

I’m just super giddy that we can continue to jump all over HRC for even the slightest mistake. She was totally the same as Mango Mussolini and Old Man River/Dear Leader would've totally won. Jeeeeezuuuuuuusssss

I wish I got an hour. Teachers only get 30 minutes, if they're lucky.

Light As a Feather, Stiff As a Board

I was just telling a coworker about that today because I was so excited about the new stories. People are frickin scarier than ghosts.

I checked several recipes for ice cream bases and they all include vanilla. Just saying.

I don’t read Cosmo anymore but I vow to uncover any that I see shielded at Rite Aid

No! Stephen Vogt of the Oakland A’s is Everything Bagel because he’s so versatile. He is also awesome and shouldn’t ever be associated with that evil pudding pop rapist.

I think you mean Fox News. Not that CNN is any better

He’s into meatloaf, just not hers.

Maria and Mario had beef during her tenure at Extra. Add that to her issues with Giuliani and the common denominator is Maria. I mean, Mario Lopez seems like a fairly genial guy. Maria is like watching a robot. Whenever I go to the movies, there she is blanding up the pre show. No one wins when there’s more Maria.