Aimee G.

My father was a womanizing alcoholic gambler who my mother kicked to the curb when I was a toddler. I didn’t meet him till I was 16. After talking to him for awhile, it was apparent he hadn’t much changed over the years, The one thing I could muster a sliver of respect for was his honesty. He knew he was a fuckup and

I think it’s fairly common for men like this to present a completely different side to people they’re not interested in preying upon. How often do we hear in situations like this “Well he was always a really nice guy to me.”? I don’t think you should rush to judgment on your dad.

I left a promising career in Opera and MT after growing tired and disillusioned of this type of environment. I don’t want to dox myself, but during my master’s program, my conservatory hired a prominent and popular opera director to head our program. I was his TA. He forcibly attempted to kiss me after a performance

Same thing happened when the stories of James Levine’s predilection for young, unwilling boys came out. Anyone who was even remotely connected to opera or classical music knew about both of these men for a long time, and if you were lucky, you got a whispered warning before you ever had the chance to interact with

Yeah, everybody knows everybody. My dad worked closely with him in Chicago and has always told me that everyone knows everything about everybody in that small world. He always said Placido was the nicest guy you could imagine so now this just has me wondering about my fucking dad as well.

I think the more interesting story coming out of all this is how it’s all playing out in Europe vs the US. When the first set of accusations came out the Philadelphia Orchestra and the San Francisco Symphony immediately cancelled his gala performances. The LA Opera, where his is still the general director has

I’m glad it’s come to a head. It’s a difficult enough business to survive in and I feel for those women who gave up careers or didn’t have the careers they deserved. 

Domingo’s shitty behind the scenes behavior has been one of the big open secrets of the opera world for at least the last 3 decades. There are people who are clutching their pearls so hard that they’re practically punching themselves in the face, but most of the people who are actually in the business have seen this

Dudes are in a rage/ practically in tears over a Ghostbusters movie with a female cast in it and yet WOMEN are the over the top emotional ones? Yeah.

How can she be so damn cute? I want to hug her!

I mean, you expect that kind of thing in a Volvo, but a Subaru? Weird.

I don’t remember a 1989 track about showing more respect for women of color

My thoughts on these people.

I guess Russia never heard about THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!

Read the headline and said, “No shit.” Everyone knows that Blake is a hound dog.

You gotta be a next level of evil if you make a Walmart heir look sympathetic in a story.

It’s been done.