Aimee G.

speaking as a South African I can wholly attest to us having this attitude. When your country has experienced such extremes the only real activism was the revolutionary movement of the Struggle, part of which even involved an armed struggle. Noah is a political person - this runs through his work. Many US ‘delicacies’

I think there’s real value in certain kinds of social media protest, but it makes perfect sense to me that coming from SA Trevor would give it side eye - there, protests that actually made change on the most important issues of the day were all protests where the protestors took enormous risks for what they beleived

This is why I love you. I don’t think either Tay or Rih are “fake.” They like their fans and sometimes do shit with them. What is “fake” about that?

Comments like this irritate me. Reddit’s has 3.3 million commenters and has feminist/social justice subreddits which shit on this comment section. It has awful racist, fascist subreddits and it has amazing ones.

Yes, the poor sexist manbabies who have taken up days of protest over the unfair firing of a woman by a woman who falsely claimed gender discrimination and made a mockery of such a claim thereby setting back the ability of all women who actually suffer such discrimination to make such claims without seeming like

I signed the petition as I think Ellen Pao is not a good CEO and should be ousted, which is what the petition is about. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don’t call those who signed it “racist/misogynists.”

The company’s entire staff is around 60 people, so probably.

Urgh, i hate the petition and those signing it as they are racist/misogynists but it is increasingly looking like she is a fucking terrible CEO. Her firing of the women who runs AMA’s in such a disgraceful way is so inept. If i was VC firms who have $ in reddit I would be sharpening my knives.

And their pigtails could get caught in a robot’s cogwheels, leading to an horrific accident.

They also cry.

girls just can’t comprehend science

Or this is just some cover for a weird science thing where all the boys get together to make Kelly LeBrock.

Oh, I see. So we’re against anti-vaxxers but we’re all for little Cash infecting a robotics class with a vicious case of cooties? Hypocrites.

I mean on the bright side at least they told her no because boys are apparently quite stupid and need their own special hand-holding club.

Just a reminder: your insurance plan very, very likely covers adult MMR boosters totally free (thanks, Obama!).

Congratulations, anti-vaxxers. You did it! You saved her from autism!


Excuse you, some of us call it Whole Paycheque. :)

They look exactly like the type of people I would have thought run Whole Foods.

Everyone calls it Whole Paycheck. No one calls it Whole Check except for Jezebel.