
It’s the price companies pay for shifting the work from the employee to the customer. Personally, I like getting myself free refills even when free refills are not explicitly condoned. I’m an loner, Sally, an outlaw.

For a time, I was content to leave her out of the discussion, since it seemed she had no interest in doing anything more than the bare minimum.

“His dad was the scary old guy in Twin Peaks.”

And whether it is legal or not has little bearing, imo, on the ethics of publishing such a photo.

Um that Maria Sharapova pic seems a little fucked up. I think you should take it down unless she consented to having TMZ publish it. 

How old was Joe Biden when he was elected to national office? 31. What a difference three years makes when you’re a man.

THANK YOU! I really wanted to point this out. The oldest Millennials are damn near 40 now, depending on what bullshit criteria you want to use to define “Millennial”. Millennials aren’t kids. We’re a generation of disaffected young and nearing middle age adults.

You deserve way more stars.

My favorite was when Republicans were giving her shit for saying she was going to “turn her district red,” because apparently Republicans can’t remember that red has been the color of the Republican party only since 2000, and it has been the color of socialists since..... socialism was invented.

DeSantis is also a millennial 

I’m getting the feeling he doesn’t actually want real, tough advice. I gave him some solid and firm advice and was dismissed. He literally asked to hear just how bad of an idea this is and why - I wonder how many other replies he’s dismissed from women...

Just don’t. She’s your boss.

This is how I got this news:

Fasten your seatbelts, the ride begins!

And the minute his people try to shove his nose in the shit (and usually very gently), he bites them. But they always back down and come back for more from him. It’s the craziest circle jerk ever and it’s happening in front of the world.

I remember when our town got brand a new mega mall that had a Foot Locker, a Banana Republic, a Rich’s department store, which was later bought out by Macy’s, and a Cinnabon. We thought we were in heaven. I am one of the few people who loves food from the mall court. I live for a freshly baked cookie from Great

Parent and kid disagree on something, that never happens, how peculiar. I wonder who is really keeping the family apart, in my family it is usually the conservative stalwart that has such an approach. If they are not seeing the grand kids I would bet it is this guys declaration that they not see their grandkids and not

Something just occurred to me. I have dealt with narcissists in my life and the one absolute constant with those assholes is that you CAN’T play them like a fiddle. They are unplayable. Every single time you think you have outgunned or outmaneuvered them, they will just go sideways and leave you baffled and confused.

I don’t see any reason why it would be, but I really do want to see the server, but I have confidence in both parties...what happened to the server?