
People are watching more porn and playing more video games because the planet’s had to lockdown for the past year and a half which kind of frees up a lot of time.

I’m guessing men are watching more porn because porn has gotten a lot easier to access and are playing more video games because video games have gotten a lot better. One of the best things about being a politician has to be the ability to say things that make no sense at all and have people take you seriously. Best

Yes, he was and is a hero - I had the pleasure of meeting him and he was a very caring and kind person and did all he could to help those seeking and needing an abortion. Canada finally got it right but we must stay ever vigilant!

Trudeau has said he will enforce the Canada Health Act against New Brunswick and has already withheld $140k in transfer payments for not providing adequate abortion services. The New Brunswick rules are being challenged in court so it will be interesting to see how this develops. 

I think about him a lot, now, when I think about that connection between basic humanity and this kind of care—a connection we’re losing. The doctor in Texas remembers—barely, but remembers—how bad things were before Roe v. Wade, and that’s what is spurring his commitment to care. Morgentaler, as you noted, lived

I remember he would sometimes help out at a Toronto Clinic on Gerrard St E, across from Allen Gardens in the 90's.  I think it was after his clinic was set on fire.

It’s a law created with cruelty as the product; it’s morally necessary for those who can to defy it at every opportunity. 

When social justice movements of the past have challenged laws like these, they very carefully picked their poster children. This is why people know the name Rosa Parks, and far less know the name Claudette Colvin.

There is a difference between randomly telling people that you are a good guy, and confiding to a friend something like, “I consider myself to be a good guy, decent looking, a good personality, and a good job, but I have enormous trouble getting a date and then a second date, and it feels so frustrating.” If your

I agree with everything you say here. But for the cis straight men, we need to literally dismantle almost all of what we were taught about how to be husbands an dads.  I saw almost no good role models as a kid.  I live to not be like any dad I knew before.

I’m a guy and any guy who tells me (unironically certainly) that he’s a “good guy’ is immediately tagged as an asshat. A person can shout to the world how great they are, but really if you were that thing you’re probably too busy doing it to brag about it. I see a lot of stuff in these comments that hits home for me.

I think we’re more aware of issues like emotional labour than we were even a few years ago. As for your comment re: the people saying women should have seen their partners for who they were before, while I get your point, at the same time, as a straight woman, how do you not just assume that your man will be just like

So many thoughts on this one and no shot in hell at stringing them together in a coherent fashion.

I have always been surprised by the number of people I know who seem to actively dislike their spouse and/or children. The societal pressure was strong, so they got married to someone who seemed good at the time, bought a house, popped at 2.5 kids, and generally distracted themselves from the conveyor belt of it all

All of this, especially your last sentence. Divorce is often liberating as the men are then forced to bear total responsibility on their parenting days. If the man is not a dangerous abusive dickhead, forget full/primary custody. Joint custody is the way to go. Many women actually like their husbands better after

Some of it needs to be obvious to be recognized, but it’s often down to how men and women are socialized. Generally, we [men] are socialized so that we do “manly” chores while women do the rest. We’re not trained in basic skills such as meal preparation, laundry, dish cleaning, and general household cleaning. So when

I did a tally once, and my husband and I are about equal on average.

I know a lot of my negativity towards men comes from watching the women in my life suffer through their relationships. I would say that each of the women in my family was independent and her own person in her own way. But in their relationships they had to suppress their personalities and wants while being expected to

THANK YOU for saying this. I also came from a family where not only my mother got fucked over, but almost every single one of my aunts got fucked over. And some of those women are still in their marriages and tell me they’re happy. But, they sure as fuck don’t look happy.

I’m sure it’s because I’m a barren millennial spinster with no prospects but I’m also sure it’s because I watched my mother and aunts struggle in their relationships with men that I am convinced that marriages with men are a true dice roll in life.