
I can’t tell if you’re directing this at men or women.

Being a Hollywood A-Lister is not a basic human right.

Yes. I understand why all adult men over 18 have standing.

I know the ACLU has a history choosing strange bedfellows to advance worthwhile causes, but I’m still confused as to why the ACLU needed the National Coalition For Men to challenge this? Wouldn’t any American over the age of 18 have standing? It was servicewomen, not men, who challenged the combat role exclusion. It

I’m a bit torn. Because if she was my friend and was actually dating people in the real world, I’d be telling her not to waste her time and energy on the randos you matched with on Tindr just to be polite. You’re a grown up. You know what you want. Go ahead and be focused on what and who you want.

“I never personally witnessed the leopards eat anyone’s face”, said woman who funded the Leopards Eating People’s Faces cult defiantly. “In fact, all the leopards I met swore they were vegans and they greatly changed my life for the better!”

Yeah, 13, 16 or 30. It was never funny. Just different kinds of tragic and frightening.


I thought she was quitting.

You’re absolutely right and that’s why I’m so damn curious. And I shouldn’t be! This is an inadvertent Trumpian distraction! Probably utterly meaningless palace intrigue bullshit. This isn’t what I should be spending my energy on! But God Dammit I wanna know!

Is there any reporting (or speculating) out there about what details she shared?

Why is this poor man there? Nothing about his body language says he wants to be there. That whole boring outfit and moustache says he doesn’t want to be doing this. That “Oh great...” response to the date card. The uncomfortable laughter. Oh sweetie.

The compliment here is explicitly to Michelle Obama’s decision-making. It’s her judgement that is being complimented.

Personally I’m convinced mine was Pythagoreanism - I also like music and hate beans - but I was born 2500 years too late.

The argument I’ve heard from psychologists goes more like “everyone is likely to be vulnerable at times in their lives.” It’s not that there is the one cult out there that is right for you. It’s that we all tend to have moments where we are lost, lonely and susceptible. Then it’s the cocktail of brand/messaging/trend.

This is a really embarrassing mistake, but I got to tell you that I have never experienced such pure joy as I just felt when I googled John de Lancie, and found out I was wrong; He’s not dead.

We’re voting now? Can I vote neither of them? Can I vote Varys? Tyrion? Hell, even Sansa. I’ll take Sansa.

What do you think they should have done? Jumped over the counter and started swinging too? It does look to me like they they froze, took in the fact she was holding her damn own, and then attempted to detach him from her. Not sure we can expect too much better.

We are generally rather good at ignoring celebrities in Canada.

I know I’m being super petty and really missing the point... but who is dressing these people?! Don Jr looks like a wacky, not-quite-hipster 22 year old who just missed the mark on the mixing plaid trends, and Guilfoyle is wearing some sort of ill-fitting relax-wear for supervillans.