
I’m confused as to how this is any more tragic for those who are pro-life? Is it because some of them might have to answer for their obvious and relentless incitement of violence against clinics, their staff and patients?

That is almost true. The number was 1,228 applications from people on the watch list. Inclusion on the Terrorist Watch list or No Fly List doesn’t bar you from buying a weapon. Which honestly, is completely correct.

You think she’s upset about a pay gap (that she doesn’t acknowledge even exists) while she says “I’m quite happy with how things are ticking along.” and “I haven’t ever felt that I’ve really had to stick up for myself just because I’m a woman.”?

You made him what he is. You keep him.

So people are going to pay $1800 for the privilege of having their $800+ pocket computer containing their entire social and professional life sent 10,000 up in the air?

If the world was only full of people who could obediently follow simple instructions, most horror movies wouldn’t get written at all.

Yes, but that isn’t the audience for this decision.

Ugh. Yes. The whole point is that the information sources we have that tell us God is merciful and loving are precisely as reliable as the sources of information that tell us God is petty, cruel and dedicated to making (at least most of us) suffer terribly in this life and the next.

Also, “God” exists, but is petty and malevolent.

Your wife would have married ANYONE who interrupted her because she was that desperate for attention and couldn’t think of any better way to get it...

“You’re not doing this act of terror thing right. I’m sure you meant to bomb Canada.”

It’s like answering the question “Do you eat tofu?” with “I’m a vegetarian.” Okay, those two things are loosely related, and I suppose being a vegetarian I might choose to assume you eat tofu - perhaps that is what you are hoping I’ll assume? - but it still doesn’t answer the question.

You are being clear. I think you are wrong. She was the chair of the board. Ignorant or not, that is the very definition of responsible.

I’m saying a rational, ethical human being who honestly believes abortion is murder, not knowing the charity they chair gives money to abortion clinics, should feel that paltry sum is a big deal. Unless they are not an honest and ethical person, but an opportunistic lair.

If someone sincerely believes abortion is murder and is attempting to use the force of law to make everyone else’s conform to that belief, then it is absolutely relevant matter if the charity they chaired offered material support to abortion clinics. In Fiorina’s own words, she chaired an organization that supported

In my experience it largely depends on the size. Smaller orgs - or orgs that have grown very quickly - will have a board or some board members who see every application and donation as it goes out. Larger ones will usually have budgets that address different sorts of support or types of donations, and leave it to the

Of course she didn’t sign off on the line item.

Yep. The money question is really settled. Even most supporters of the death penalty have stopped arguing it’s cheaper - it’s very clearly much more expensive no matter how you try to spin the numbers. The truly dedicated will try to say that is because anti-death penalty people ‘abuse’ the appeals process, but I’ve

It’s damn anglo Ontarios fault. We say Ottoewah and Torono and then claim we don’t have accent! Ha!

It’s not the pharmaceutical element that costs so damn much. It’s the system of appeals and specific prison systems put in place to house prisoners for the 15 years - on average - they spend on death’s row during those appeals. It costs much less to hold someone in general pop - an advocacy group in California says