
Not sure why improving efficiency and helping the company to be more cost effective and competitive in the global market place would be “ruinous” to the existence of unions? Work safety, remuneration, injury compensation, health care, and training are all topics I can get behind a union on. Forced breaks during heat

Falling in line every time JUST MOVES THE FUCKING LINE.

Counter counterpoint: he has made all his legal remedies more valuable and effective by raising the stakes.

What if my bootstraps cost $6 million?

If you don’t pay athletes, they will rape women? Gross. Gross that this makes sense to you. Free rein to violate human beings is not a substitute for cash.

My point is, this article is about serial rape. You are spouting some thesis about making the NCAA less profitable on an article about women getting raped. You are not focusing on the fact that men are raping women, but instead trying to find “nuance” and a new angle. There is no new angle man, we need to prosecute

This is fucking disgusting. How is it that the first comment on this horrifying article about multiple violent rapes chooses to focus on paying players? You don’t even say rape. You refer to rape as “all this” and “things like this”. You are a rape apologist, whatever you say after that.

Its so you don’t have to clean. When you take a shit, you just set the whole room on fire and walk the fuck away.

Overpaying teachers may not be the answer, but underpaying them is certainly not the answer.

“The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” ... “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we

Seriously? What is a white person supposed to do that is better than what Tilda is doing in this, trying to understand the other side of the issue, and trying to figure out how to promote the discussion in a nuanced way?! Stop letting perfect be the enemy of good.

How is asking questions equated as have Cho do Swinton’s “intellectual labor”? That assessment seems colossally unfair.

Damn and here I thought she was reaching out specifically to an Asian American to try and learn more about the situation and how to approach it. Silly me!

Or Cho is a lying hack and tried to get the spotlight put on her?

LOL, sorry but this makes me laugh.

I see someone’s been hitting the Red Pill subreddit hard! Always nice when you can blame women for men’s problems, isn’t it?

With all due respect, I don’t think you’re giving this country the credit it deserves.

I know that the entire time I was reading Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon (and it took me two months) I was obsessed with finding out more about this famously private author. Like, did s/he know Mason and Dixon personally and is s/he almost 300 years old? Is (he) a defrocked French Jesuit priest? What, if any, are

But not the upside down part of the Southern Hemisphere.

Growing up, Paterno was God in my house. We didn’t go to church.