it was all a prank by Banksy (this year’s Dismaland).
it was all a prank by Banksy (this year’s Dismaland).
is the character’s name a last name (like Wick, John Wick) or a single first name, like Beyonce? i land on Beyonce, so i am totally taking credit for being the inspiration for the name of the character. arigato masahiro-san!
oh no, those were okay, they were battling the govt. or society. this is a corporation, so you must obey.
“rather to keep and justify its existence”... so it should demand things that ruin itself? i know that’s not exactly what you mean, but of course as unions have disappeared or been severly weakened, the wealth gap has increased enormously and wages have flatlined for 30 years or so...
Canadian here. Family of four. Health care costs covered (but not prescriptions, & not medical). We’re all very healthy, and cautious, but things happen over the years. First off, our hospital bill for having kids was $0. And we had a midwife throughout the pregnancies, which was free, and very helpful. My daughter…
the logic is to prevent aristocracy. some words from the founding fathers: With Thomas Jefferson taking the lead in the Virginia legislature in 1777, every Revolutionary state government abolished the laws of primogeniture and entail that had served to perpetuate the concentration of inherited property. Jefferson…
“Commerce is quick. You do million dollar deals in milliseconds. Let your commode transactions occur just as quickly. Never be too far away from making an instant huge deposit. Let your mansion be multitoileted”
remember when George Bush Jr. held out the possibility of allowing more concentrated media ownership (newspapers and tv stations, more of them etc.) which kept media companies on message? remember Clear Channel’s expansion? and that it was Colin Powell’s son who was president of the FCC at the time? ah, the good ole…
what’s your thoughts on “They cast Chiwetel Ejiofor as the second lead - a white Transylvanian in the books.”
“This one’s too hot.”
starred for f’s sake.
yeah, good old days when the visgoth men used to raise kids. and those viking men. oh, and those cavemen were really nurturing.
Hi Dick!
damn, and she didn’t even have a hit album!
it’s worse: bidding wars are now happening for rentals (at least hearin Toronto). this has been happening for awhile for home purchases, often w/prices going for hundreds of thousands over asking —with homes unaffordable to the middle class, they have to rent, and with the masses having to rent, prices go up and up…
damn. didn’t know she had a memoir coming out. now it seems that this whole ‘reveal’ is a PR stunt, either to whip up the media, or to hamstring someone in the future finding out her real identity, and having her ‘memoirs’ jamesfreyed.
when i first read of this, it was basically seen as rape. the title of the post the (female) writer wrote was basically “when her no is his yes.” the comments that followed were all women extremely mad at the guy who revealed the identity, and it was a gender politics pile on.
“Mrs Major Tom” (tells the story from the view of the wife left at home.) Two versions of it, the cover by Sheryl Crow, and the original by K.I.A. (which is found on “DXLR8", an album of sad songs):
amazing to read all the agreements in the comments from managers. what kinds of companies, specifically? manufacturing? tech? health?
Fantastic idea! Another one, which you can’t steal either: they should open up record stores, so people could flip through albums and buy some vinyl! For their hi fi stereo systems!