
I did what everyone told me to, which was: go to a community college on scholarships for my first two years and then switch to a state school with “affordable” tuition. My parents had a little money saved to help me, which I spent on my community college tuition and, with working throughout the year, was able to get

I think you’re right - the bracket that (in my view) seems to get shafted the hardest is always the working poor. Those with a family income in the $50-$60k range are struggling and (what I don’t think is credited enough) are TRYING to improve their situation.

bullshit “parental contribution” amount

Shit, I wish I had known your wife when I was going to school. I fit that exact same profile, but payed through the fucking nose because the colleges kept accounting for a bullshit “parental contribution” amount that on its face was exorbitant—and that didn’t even account for the fact that my mother was dead broke and

So, uh... Can we stop worshiping this shitbrick as some sort of legend now?

Nice to see you on Gawker, Woody!

It has nothing to do with Mia Farrow’s “legal fortitude to fight Woody Allen.” You are deliberately being obtuse on this, and that’s why I stated you are contorting the facts. The powers that be—the court—judged that Dylan Farrow was too fragile. The judge and the prosecutor are both on record to that effect. The

She was a CHILD at the time she was deemed too fragile, in what was arguably the most public rape and child custody case in the world at the time. Coming to terms with it enough to write about 20 years later doesn’t change the fact that back then, she couldn’t face it. Jesus. What doesn’t make sense is that you’re

Have you ever wished you could give Vincent Gallo a blow job? Of course you haven’t.

Even creepier...

Im in Nashville and hiring a person or two. Def more than 36k a year. Come apply!

It’s different because digital...

Such entitled assholes. I can’t afford to go to Spain. So I should be able to get on a plane for free, because reasons!

I’m guessing we’re in the same age range. I recorded off the radio, burned CDs and swapped with friends, even used Napster to get hard to find tracks, or to download one song when I didn’t want the whole album.

It’s not exactly the same, because the “reach” you had wasn’t that high. You could share those tapes/CDs with your friends/family, not someone you do not know on the other side of the planet.

Well, I do like to think that my classes are interesting, seeing as how I spend hours each week thinking about how to sequence the material, present it to students, engage them, and assess student learning. But I’m never going to get 100% of my students to think that the class is great and interesting, particularly

I couldn’t figure out for a little bit what it was that bothered me so much about the tribute.

The Gaga tribute was everything I feared: Messy, off-key, all image and no music, all about her. MEH at best, insulting at worst. Sorry, Bowie. You were a legend and you got an extended Gaga For Intel commercial. You deserved a hell of a lot better.

::Takes mic from Kanye and shouts hysterically:: I’m sorry, but Bernie Madoff had one of the best debts ever!