
“How much can $50 buy? One banana?”

Someone on Tumblr wrote down the Death Pool odds and they are hilarious:

Right now, CTV (a Canadian network) is rerunning the Drunk History with Rachel Bloom, which features Weird Al in the reenactment cast.

Agreed. Not exactly a follow-up per se, but there’s some similarity to the bit at the end I also liked- when the guys proposed she go on 3 dates with 3 guys, and Rebecca goes “9 dates? That’s such a weird number

So the Columns© establish all three options as incredible in bed, and then we meet Audra’s husband who is, I think, the only man we’ve ever heard Rebecca say is bad in bed. So that’s fun

David Hull has a big showcase number ...

I have to disagree (I’m still starring your comment though, so it gets seen by others since you’re in the greys).

Agreed about how nice it was having the callbacks, especially now so near the end - I’d have given the episode an A based on the fact that someone said BLAM! alone.


I think it’s just “foxy as hell”? Like a tv-friendlier version of “AF.” Though I feel like part of the point of “AF” is you can say it on tv and people know what you mean but you didn’t say fuck so Standards and Practices doesn’t care? But I also would maybe agree that Greg is only foxy as hell and not AF so. *shrug*

“Its just that sometimes you can be a little judgmental.”
“What a stupid thing to say. Name one time where I was judgmental.”

Same here. There was a lot of speculation leading up to the release as to what the dopplegangers represented, so I watched a lot of the film trying to see the sub-text. And there were points when I said, “Oh, I get it, they represent X”, only to have that undercut by something later in the film.

I think the answer is

Saw this last night at an early screening and…I don’t know. I feel like amidst all of the (nearly universal) critical praise, I keep seeing variations of “it works best if you don’t analyze it too much” alongside “this movie gives you so much to unpack,” often in the same review. And it’s like, which is it? I agree

to be fair, he did crush that number. 

While Nathaniel made the grand gesture and NuGreg had the revelation in this episode, I think Josh did several wonderfully supportive things quietly and (literally) behind the scenes. He’s a great friend at the very least. Dr. ManAkopian has been good for him.

The audience extra to Paula’s left also had the best “eh” face.
I also liked Beth’s retort “You’re mad at me. I can tell from the yelling and overt anger.”

Yep. “Good Bosses and Friends Let Their Employees Soar Elsewhere if Need Be” didn’t resonate with me.


“Is ‘Roamin’ Bob-iday' the show’s most wonderfully, brutally convoluted episode title? I’m immediately putting it in the top five.”

I like how they remembered Bob’s unfinished tattoo in that credit sequence.