
US only? This could make some weird alarm clock..

The price of doing nothing will be high for the nation; may be high for the individual.

The price of doing anything will be high for the individual; may not buy anything for the nation.

Nah, it was a great movie.

This isn’t really an original thought, and it doesn’t necessarily belong as a reply to you. But you’re getting it since you seem to have your head on right.

Disney is using Star Wars to sabotage the DC movie universe!1!!1!

I can’t wait to read about the young prostitute that was savagely assaulted by hordes of surly men of color, while they all force her to take heroin, then leave her for dead. But it turns out she somehow deserved it because she’s a woman, and she shouldn’t have been wearing that outfit anyways - then some super noble

Surely they could’ve found someone more qualified to illustrate a YA book starring a woman than this racist, sexist crackpot who has proven time and again over the last couple decades that he doesn’t know how to depict the female form except as they appear his own weirdly prostitution-focused onanistic fantasies.

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

I never thought I’d say this, but Brad Peyton obviously thought way too much about this movie.

I’m not as plugged in as I used to be but man did this show have some toxic shipping going on for a while. That said, I’m still Team Platonic Caryl. I don’t think a romantic angle would enhance my appreciation and enjoyment of their relationship, but my shipping heart bids fans to go forth and carry their ship flag

Is there something wrong with that? Being anti-TLJ is kinda like publicly declaring that you’re illiterate and you don’t understand how to watch movies.

Didn’t they lose?

I’m waiting for it to trickle down to the army. “My sargeant in boot camp was verbally abusive!”

Also crazy that Stu Rutherford, one of the guys who developed the lighting technique, is the human friend Stu from What We Do in the Shadows!

I don’t even know who I can expose my penis to anymore.

The real question can Black Panther beat Squirrel-Girl

I love you, will you be my valentine?

Fair enough, didn’t know that. I guarantee that someone asked Lucas that question completely out of the blue, and he just made up a stupid answer on the spot. So I’m going to do what I’ve always done with the prequels: ignore Lucas completely. There’s nothing in the movies that says that’s the Falcon, so it’s not.

Harrison Ford was 24 in 1966; not enough time to build more than one Mustang, really. ;)

The detractors all share common themes of being contrarian, playing the victim, and literally living in the past.