
Except that’s not at all what happened, and you’re a real piece of shit for suggesting it is.

Ok, but why?

No, it’s clear that things that are actually scarce, like wineries, are still privately owned. Replicator patterns or holonovels? Maybe in law, but I doubt anyone would cooperate.

Has anyone just tried making a fan cut removing Shia Labeouf?

Some are parthenogenic too, but have you never eaten an egg with a red spot?

She’s an r-type reproducer. She doesn’t care if baby yoda eats a few.

I always thought the IT stuff was the least realistic part of Star Trek. I get that you’ll never convince someone of a lie that’s required for their livelihood, but the idea that a world with replicators would have any sort of intellectual property is just absurd.

I mean I’d sacrifice Donald Trump for... well I’d just sacrifice him to get rid of Donald Trump. Can we do it twice? Slowly and painfully?

That’s a real skill that not everyone can do, though. I work in a field where I meet a lot of people, though nowhere near as much as hers, and I can’t even hope to remember everyone’s name. Fortunately it’s a friendly industry where everyone has the same issue, and we deal with it like adults.

Oh wow, they made more seasons?

They’ve been warned for the better part of a century they’d have to do this.

Reread this thread.

Sure, maybe, but you’re grasping at straws.

Uh... this article, that you’re commenting on, specifically mentions her voice is among the Jedi that came before in Rey’s head.

Wookies live a lot longer; Chewie is just middle aged. Ahsoka could live through to the current movies, but she’d be near the end of her lifespan at best. It’s not unreasonable that she might be dead.

So can humans. Most don’t.

Ahsoka would be something like 80 at the time.

What about Zune?

Doesn’t it, though? I recall prior to this episode Picard very much disliked children, and barely tolerated Wesley.