Except that’s not at all what happened, and you’re a real piece of shit for suggesting it is.
I mean I’d sacrifice Donald Trump for... well I’d just sacrifice him to get rid of Donald Trump. Can we do it twice? Slowly and painfully?
That’s a real skill that not everyone can do, though. I work in a field where I meet a lot of people, though nowhere near as much as hers, and I can’t even hope to remember everyone’s name. Fortunately it’s a friendly industry where everyone has the same issue, and we deal with it like adults.
Anchor isn’t a craft brewery anymore, as they aren’t independent. It’s pretty normal for macrobrewers like them to be unionized.
It depends on what you were after. If you just raced through the whole game just to get to the end, sure, maybe. Some of us enjoyed the journey and had plenty to do that wasn’t raiding.
Also true of those B shows what’s her name was in.
And she never had to touch Carrot Top’s props again.
Uh, Saturday Night Live?
It’s Ess-Ness.
I’m going to ugly cry straight through the whole thing and drag as many people as I can with me.
Mr. Rogers was the best of us.
Also there’s considerably less Mormon nonsense.
He was married for 51 years and had two children. Mr. Rogers wouldn’t have lied to them. He’d have explained and told them that everyone is special in their own way.
Kill the witch, throw the baby king off the cliff, and hang the creepy old men. It’s the way of the murderhobo.
As a Canadian I apologize for this woman, but like Beiber, Brian Adams, and Shania Twain: America, you touched her last. She’s yours now.
This would itself be a reason to do so, no?
My adult, tax paying self would be happy to throw 90% of the military and its equipment out of a plane.
That’s the thing: Elliot Ness was unusual because unlike his peers, he couldn’t be bribed.
I’m sorry your train was cancelled.