
For some reason Android does require you to fuck around with the volume each and every time you connect to bluetooth, though.

Let's be honest. They did.

We’re gonna need a bigger shark.

It’s Ess-Ness.

Aren’t you a peach.

Alderaan Disabilities Act.

It’s nice to hear a Baby Boomer acknowledge that.

So they’re not assholes, even though their whole MO is about false reports?

Actually that 2-10% number are the ones we know without any doubt are lying. Those are the claims that are thrown out because, for example, the accused can be proven to not even have been there.

So you think the volunteers for The Innocence Project are just worried someone will find the bodies?

That’s a misreading of the research. 2-10% of reports are immediately, obviously false, such as where they accused can has witnesses proving they weren’t even there. How many of the unknown are false is of course unknown and unknowable.

That’s the thing; Star Wars is such a juggernaut because it was formative for several generations. Both those that were seeing it in theatres as it came out, and those of us who watched it and it’s spin offs over and over on VHS as children.

You realize Luke was never really there, right?

Dance for me, Nazi!

He wasn’t going to destroy anything with a Kamikaze run.

It was a troll of a movie. The message that you Nazis aren’t welcome couldn’t have been clearer. Now run along back the the dustbin of history.

Canto Bight is the strongest part of the film. First, it’s a straight up middle fingers out fuck you to the prequels; the fox horsies are an obvious send up to the stupid pod racing, and the final scene with the little boy looking up at the stars mirrors one of the prequels posters. Second, it isn’t pointless. It

Plus, picking people who abstain from alcohol entirely is ridiculously self selective. They’re guaranteed to have all sorts of other extreme and weird behaviours.

Nope. Rose is awesome. Fuck right off with your Nazi bullshit.

I’m going to ugly cry straight through the whole thing and drag as many people as I can with me.