
No doors. You’re sedated inside a carbon fiber loom and the car is built around you over the next 32 excruciating hours.

Still don’t know what started this. Still don’t ever want this to end.

Best Klans In Baseball!

Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.

“Oh so now everyone who has a swatstika tattoo is a racist?”

Best Fascists In Baseball

haha. I had an over enthusiastic bagger put everything i bought in one paper bag and beam at me and he said, “I fit it all in one bag!” I said, “great, will I need a crane to lift it?”

I would not bet against you.

I’m guessing that’s why the exhaust is new from the cat back. Would be nice if we could see underneath, but for $2300 I’d be willing to risk it. Either this or a ‘90 Accord.. hnnnnnnngh.

Here’s a quick summary in case you don’t have 11 minutes to YouTube:

Drive this 1 of a kind car away and watch regret hammer my face

Yeah, anyone could try it at any time. I actually think this approach already has a pedigree. The most vulnerable the Ws have looked the past two seasons, a limited version of this has been deployed. Physical, high pressure, not afraid to foul/make contact. Some times the refs have even erred on the side of ‘letting

I think fouling the shit out of them could definitely work. Especially if you send Bogut and Iggy to the line a lot. Cleveland tried this on Curry in the finals last year and it took the refs a couple games to catch up. I’m surprised no team has made a concerted effort of the foul/press approach. Why not try it? I

+1 nerdluck

literally laughed out loud in the office — thanks

Now playing

Lame slide. This is how you avoid the tag at second:


You’ve nailed it. They’re good burgers. Nothing more. And the shakes are curiously bland. Yet people completely lose their shit over them, and are willing to stand on line for an hour to get them. Meanwhile there is a Blue Smoke outlet directly to the right of it, selling vastly superior food with barely a wait.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and, most importantly floats like a duck, then it’s probably

Manziel says he and Gordon are testing themselves and staying positive.