
Ok, so going forward, Funbag will go on per usual, with an additional, supplemental Funbag tacked on to the Deadcast, which no one will listen to?

But on a running play, possession is established once the player receives the hand-off, so its really literally a matter of “does he break the plane with the ball”. With a catch, breaking the plane is irrelevant (as long as the receiver is in bounds, of course), as once the receiver establishes possession in the end

I’ll probably be burned at the stake for saying this, but I remember watching that game live and thinking that’s a fucking catch...

Apparently the NHL according to the guy sitting next to me, as well as about 100 greyed-out comments above.

Three mergers? Somebody help me out here, I feel super dumb - can’t even figure this out with Google...

Despite the fact that it looks like someone shit on both sidelines of that cake, I would still -HAPPILY - eat that.

+1 high school make out session that went a bit too far

So, if you are not familiar with NFL owners: they are all rich, they are all white, they are overwhelmingly male (hang in there Virginia McCaskey!), and they can be very “frugal” (see: Haslam, Jimmy; Brown, Mike).

you are a magician with words, my friend...

A friend of mine actually had his two big toenails removed because he kept getting infections. Aside from his toes looking really fucking weird when he’s wearing sandals, there is no downside - everything works per usual, just sans toenail.

underrated comment

Anyone else savoring the irony of this clown talking about how women can’t relate to football while simultaneously demonstrating his own ability of not being able to relate to women?

Pictures have since been leaked of the heated exchange

To be fair, I also expect the QB of a 2 loss team to act with a bit more class...

Can I very quickly gauge where we all stand on deep dish pizza? I feel like there are people that love it (myself included), and people who fucking hate it without any real middle ground.

How else am I supposed to get into hip-hop though?

I imagine smug from Pittsburgh has french fries in it

It’s a disappointing end to the season for the Bears, who when healthy boasted one of the all-time great offenses, went into the divisional round missing the NFL’s best receiver and one of its best running backs, and still could have come away with a win. That’s how attrition gets you, though—they don’t make games

Sure, Kroenke may have committed a Cardinal sin by skipping town, but I don’t think he’s singing the Blues about it...