He’s in a wet suit and I’ve never been drier
He’s in a wet suit and I’ve never been drier
On the tapes not real: It’s one thing for them to be fakes, it’s another for a Russian agent to say that they are probably fakes. Note as well, that they were stopped from getting out of Russia. Somehow.
she spent 7 years in prison you absolute genius
This. And the kicker that she never spoke or looked at her again. I’m even going to go out on a limb and guess the server in question was also an actress.
Laurie Metcalf is an underrated acting icon and I hope she gets a well deserved oscar not just for herself but on behalf of every underated, oscar worthy character-actress who never get the A list treatment
my gay perspective: not once was it mentioned this person is a male, and all the lyrics could easily apply to a woman.
I just yelled “chickapaaaaaaay” across the cubicle farm. Friday fun times.
when I first read it, I thought it said “taking a shit on the playground” and was both repulsed and confused.
I am also white. I didn’t realize there WAS a version of this song other than Donny’s.
It would be the greatest thing ever if he agreed to do it but then improvises and rips Donnie a new one at his own inauguration.
OMG Zoe! She was a real brat IRL, I knew someone that knew her before she was cast and she was like “NOW IM FAMOUS” but the PBS reboot of ZOOM just wasn’t the launching pad she thought it might be.
I really feel bad for Kim and their kids.
That 9/11 museum shop is crass AF. You leave the main exhibit wanting to curl up in a ball and weep and then you browse through the store and see a “dogs of 9/11", with loads of pictures of dogs. That cheers you up for a bit, until you remember they’re all dead. The urge to weep becomes all out sobbing sitting on the…
“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.
People like her need to suffer financially for her support for Donald Trump. Boycott her products.
That’s one of many things that makes their relationship so incredible. He’s the president but it’s clear from the way that he speaks about her and interacts with her that he respects the hell out of her. They are so candid about parity in the relationship / parenting, which I admire so much. And they’re clearly still…
I have a friend like this who claims that her unfiltered mouth is a result of being “Italian.” You know, because her ancestors came over last century and she has her grandma’s “killer” meatball recipe - it all translates into being an asshole with no filter.
She’s the Bethany Frankel of the 20's pop diva set.