Knowing people, I don’t think you can set the bar too low for an HOA. I bet there are plenty of HOAs that would go nuts over a Camry dent.
Knowing people, I don’t think you can set the bar too low for an HOA. I bet there are plenty of HOAs that would go nuts over a Camry dent.
Save the electrons!
COTD right there.
Too easy to pick up and move, and if you anchor them, you damage the pavement and make it harder to remove after the event.
Or maybe a $500 deposit from anyone under 28 that will be returned only after the vehicle is observed leaving the C&C without breaking any traffic laws.
Sadly, you are not wrong.
Neutral: I’ve owned a couple of GM vehicles, a Mazda, one Chrysler minivan, a Hyundai, and four Fords. What is this “brand loyalty” thing you’re talking about?
Well, those incandescent light bulbs need to be protected from those Commie, greenie LED bulbs. Don’t tell him that LEDs were invented in the US though. It ruins the narrative.
You just as well make they all non-adjustable at that point.
I’m surprised that Tesla, while lobbying for direct sales/service, doesn’t suggest that they will need to build another factory in a few years, and states that aren’t friendly to that model won’t likely even be considered.
I had no idea there were so many communists in red states. Republicans need to just admit that they are not opposed to regulations, just the regulations that don’t benefit their constituents corporate donors.
+1 for that. I’ve done it on motorcycle tires, which is enough to convince me that breaking the bead on a car or light truck tire wouldn’t be fun.
The only TPMS I’ve seen in person was from a GM vehicle and the battery was embedded in the module, which was essentially all of the components pookied together in epoxy/filler. We had to cut/grind away the epoxy to expose the battery, which was a bog standard CR2032 with solder tabs. Replaceable maybe, but a lot of…
Seat belt needs to be hanging out the door too.
Why not both?
The left lane is often in better condition than the right, because semis mainly use the right lane.
Palisade owner selling car in 5 years: $30K and not a penny less! I know what I’ve got!
I’ve always said that they should start with the cars driving on streets only, maybe in Florida and Arizona, as an alternative for older people who can’t drive. Something that can get them to stores, doctor’s offices and the like. Use that data to iteratively make them better and be able to handle more roads and…