Piss everybody off: Make a smaller rebate available for EVs not assembled in the US.
Piss everybody off: Make a smaller rebate available for EVs not assembled in the US.
Hey Nissan! What part of ‘Fuck You’ do you not understand?
This seems very much to me to be similar to the claims that China was installing a chip on PC motherboards that could ‘phone home’ with all sorts of information. Or that Huawei network equipment also had the capability of sending back data or accepting command and control signals in case China needed to strike…
And there are probably at least a few fabs in the world that were mothballed not too long ago that could probably be brought back into service more quickly than building something new from scratch.
I read that as “I trust Ford to have a trouble free vehicle about as much as...”
But union leaders are corrupt! And you can’t fire bad employees! Hard work isn’t rewarded!
Augment/replace expensive, complex, easy to fail system with another expensive, complex, easy to fail system. Gotcha.
SMIC (China) and TSMC (Taiwan) are big dogs in the semiconductor manufacturing business, although I can’t say how much of the auto-specific output comes from them. NPX (Netherlands/US) is reported to have been caught flat-footed on a sudden upswing in demand. AKM, in Japan, had a fire. I’m sure that there are other…
Do people still port their cylinder heads?
There was some comedy routine where the guy was trying to pass someone else and it ended with him putting the shifter into ‘R’ for Race. Or something like that. Can’t find it though. I thought the internet had everything!
No. They really don’t.
Interesting. After getting my first fuel-injected vehicle, it took me awhile to unlearn the habit of depressing the accelerator pedal to the floor before hitting the starter. I had to make a conscious effort to not touch the pedal.
I guess it depends upon the design. I put Magnaflows on my Mustang GT. On those you can look down the end of the muffler and have an unobstructed view, just the the old Cherry Bombs. But the Magnaflows were actually, as I recall, not that much louder than the stock mufflers.
So only 12 more years before we can import them. Jason’s going to be pumped!
Yeah, I was trying to find the weight of the blades but couldn’t find anything more than rotor weight including the hub. That blade might be too heavy even for the Mi-26.
A 47 meter blade weights roughly 12,000 kg. These are 67 meters long.
In that regard, sure. But if sales are down significantly, that’s going to wipe out any gains from cheap labor and currency instability. Borrowing money can be problematic too.
Mitch started out his speech sounding pretty good. Until he started into the “both sides” bullshit.
Economic instability due to political unrest hits their bottom line. Is that enough reason? Besides, companies are people too!