
Are young’ins and the poor buying new cars and then trading up to nicer versions or are they buying used because they simply can’t afford even a cheap new car?

It seems that much like any business focused soley on the immediate profit, they’re forgetting how they used to build a customer base.


Parking is the hill you want to die on? I don’t think I’ve ever been to an American city and though “Geez, there’s so many available and affordable parking spots...”. 

You’re missing the point, in fact, most of you are missing the point.

Not good. That's why they have so many spare chips.

There is a cost to planning, resources spent reviewing supply chains and space required for stockpiling. Many companies will give up any of that in a few years when they forget why they did it and just focus on shaving costs to raise the stock price another penny so their bonus gets bigger.

Presumably, someone who has better qualifications has some sense of financial awareness.

‘fallen away’ has a much more romantic ring to it than “fallen OFF”. =P

The other issue is the fact that the springs are just too damn stiff, meant for a later-model Cherokee (which was A LITTLE heavier) with a winch and steel bumper. My lightweight 1992 with its stock thin sheet metal bumper and lack of winch can barely even compress those coil springs up front...”

I think Ford eventually gets most vehicles to the point where they are decent, but their first couple years after launch are often trash. There are some things they never get right — I’m looking at you DSG...

Maybe because most SUVs (especially the ones used as rentals) aren’t made to impress, but to be reliable transportation with slightly elevated ride heights and more dry cargo room than an average sedan.

It’s a little more complicated than “Dur, orange man bad!””

The fact that Ford is unwilling to sell vehicles without proper roofs is another reason they're going to fall behind Tesla.

(*Loudly clears throat*) Oh? There’s a semiconductor shortage? I was told by the 45th President of the United States, the “dealmaker” himself Donald Trump that “Trade wars are good, and easy to win.” Are you saying that Honest Donald lied to us? Perhaps China is hoarding semiconductors for themselves because of the

Not that I disagree with your point about unions. But it’s got more to do with globalization than anything else. Unions won’t protect you from cheap “slave” labor in other countries. (Except if you’re also talking about union in those countries though.)

Erik, as far as I’m concerned this is the best damn article you’ve written here, and not by a small amount. You found a topic that every gearhead has an opinion about, found an interesting interviewee who was willing to talk about it, and then you just let him talk and wove a story around the quotes. I’m not sure I

Where do you buy it in 55 gallon drums?

There’s a chip shortage because clearly Bill Gates is putting all the chips in the coronavirus vaccine to track us!!!!!1!!