
The current perception, as some retailers described it, is of a “bargain-basement brand.

Reaganomics started in the 80s. Endless war started right after WWII, started by what people call the greatest generation. The same with greed over the futures of our children.

Boeing is certainly not an engineer’s company anymore for sure.

If you shut off MCAS after it has deflected the stabilizer to pitch down all the way, the stabilizer stays in that position, the elevators can’t completely counteract the downforce of the stabilizer, and you can’t move the trim wheels by hand due to the force of the airflow on the stabilizer at high deflection angles

I’m not sure that they’re all that different than Airbus. I seem to recall that Airbus has had at least one problem with their fly-by-wire software, one causing a sudden hard pitch down during level flight. And they were in the middle of replacing the pitot tubes on the A330s when AF 447 crashed, because of inadequate

I’m pretty sure that putting inappropriate stuff into messages that can live forever is a multi-generational thing.

How does that work exactly? If I pull into a parking spot, I shouldn’t be driving so fast that I can’t stop if there’s an obstacle I didn’t see as I started the maneuver.

The store where I do that has plenty of room to turn to go the right way and not hit the car parked next to you. And I drive a full sized pickup. But I can see where narrow lanes could cause a problem.

So the boomers who were responsible for the fight for equal rights, clean air, and against the war in Vietnam, among other things, were the greediest generation? Or are you maybe just guilty of confirmation bias?

Kristen, you are a brave person to risk tetanus by being anywhere in the vicinity of David Tracy.

Absolutely. They take the early reduced SS benefits, even though that may hit them later. I know a guy who figured that, due to lifestyle, he wouldn’t live much past 65, so he took early retirement. He now works a minimum wage job in his 70s because his benefits don’t cover even his modest living expenses. People have

I know some people who’ve retired early, some who’ve retired at 62 because they couldn’t find a job that paid much (if they could find a job), and some who are holding off retiring past full retirement age because they don’t have enough retirement savings. I also know a guy who retired in his 40s; middle class, no

As long as the poor and middle class blame each other, the rich are safe. FTFY

There are a lot of Boomers retiring early because they either can’t find jobs, or the jobs available pay way less than what they were making at the peak of their careers.

We’d also like to see if we can work in avocados or Billie Eilish.

Neutral: License as early as possible. Lived just outside of a small town so no other options for getting around. As you pointed out Kristen, it’s not monolithic. Also got my motorcycle endorsement and chauffeur’s license as soon as I could.

Wasn’t the GTR at least somewhat related to the Skyline GTR? And while the Leaf is forward looking, the execution was lacking with no battery thermal management on the early models.

Maybe because Renault’s plan for them has always been don’t invest, cut costs, and bleed every last bit of market value from a company that use to have good products. 

The real pro tips are in the comments.

Their biggest problem is setting up a repair/maintenance network across the globe to keep the planes flying. It doesn’t matter to airlines how cheap the plane is as much as how often a plane is taken out of service for unscheduled maintenance. Turnaround is everything.