Sadly, there are a few cases I know of where someone gave/sold a car cheaply to a family member, and said family member quickly destroyed the car by running it without oil or such.
Sadly, there are a few cases I know of where someone gave/sold a car cheaply to a family member, and said family member quickly destroyed the car by running it without oil or such.
Star for the expected Ford maintenance.
Probably because of the Taurus jellybean look. I still own one of those F150s. I see a few SVT lighting versions from that era; they still look pretty sharp.
Oh, so NONE of the money spent on defense contracts is really just political pork and paybacks, going under the cover of “If you’re against “x” program, you hate America and want the bad guys to win? The F-35 is doing better than I expected (I was expecting another F-111), but that doesn’t mean that the program is…
It’s probably just scare tactics to prevent people from searching and picking up pieces of the plane as souvenirs. Or sell on ebay.
Dozens I say!
If David Tracy considers buying it. Fancy Kristen would never buy used.
According to Wikipedia the X-1 was always a rocket powered plane, and the tail was modified using data from the Miles jet because the US hadn’t figured out how to handle the pitch control problems caused by a fixed horizontal tail.
The X-1 was powered by a rocket engine. The Germans were ahead of Britain and the US in both jet engine and rocket technology. So Britain and the US both probably advanced their tech in jet/rocket tech via the Germans.
You must live in Cali.
If we were all limited to small cars, the Honda Fit would likely be the first choice among auto enthusiasts.
If Elon stays on the Board of Directors, it’s not even that.
Good post, but I think you could have distilled it down to this key part: Even Cadillac doesn’t want to be Cadillac.
Okay, got it. Sometimes it’s hard to get the exact meaning of a post. I thought you were talking only about existing models.
Aren’t internationally sold cars different than the ones sold in America?
You’re suggesting that American auto makers make cars only for the Japanese market? That would require a huge amount of investment for a country that historically doesn’t buy American cars. Seems risky to me.
If by adding spaceship you mean rocket, the results would vary dramatically depending upon which type. The Falcon 9's typical quarter mile is about 25 seconds. It’ll soon be rated for manned spaceflight, so if we’re limiting ourselves to vehicles that people can ride in/on, the F9 qualifies. Surface to air missiles…
Elon was going to buy trailers from Harbor Freight, but balked with the price increase due to the steel tariff.
In a lot of areas of the country I don’t think the supercharger network would let them get back home. Flyover country is also EV-chargerless country.
If the car’s visibility is shit he should know it and take the time to make sure. It’s not that hard.