
I’m having fun, and my blood pressure is fine. Who’s trolling whom? Or did I just break the 4th wall?

That $50 off promo code makes it a lot more affordable though.

They even drive boats on the wrong side of the road over there.

You’ll also get weight savings because most of the fuse doesn’t need to be strong enough to handle pressurization. Just the cabin is pressurized.

And of course the reverse can happen: Someone at home at the time of the break-in is killed. If you commit B&E, you’re pretty much telling everybody that you are willing to kill someone. Especially if you are armed, although sometimes the perpetrator will use weapons they find in the house, like a kitchen knife.

The web’s most common lie: I have read and agree to the terms of the EULA.

My guess is that even with a ‘fixed’ mount, you could change the target point significantly by adjusting the bracing of the supports along the middle of the barrel. Even 1mm of deviation could result in a huge change in the impact point.

Can we interest you in our $29.99/month subscription map update service?

Actually, even if it’s “easy” to replace, It’ll cost at least $800 for the replacement part. More at the dealer.

As I recall, the accident rate for the Osprey was pretty high, unlike the F-35. So at least in that they differ.

Probably not public domain. If you’re at work and take a picture of a cool car that happens to be in the parking lot from your office window, does the image belong to your employer?

The guy had to have been inspired by the movie Role Models.

Seriously dude, you need to take a chill pill. Getting all worked up arguing with some random person on the interwebs will just raise your blood pressure needlessly, which long term is bad for you health. I learned a long time ago to just laugh at posters like you. It’s healthier for you.

Also, the truckers use their blinkers WAY more than the average driver... I’ve never seen one not use a damn blinker when they’re trying to turn/change lanes...

The idea is to use the A-10 for CAS while F-22 or F-35 fighters control the airspace. Two (or three) aircraft being used for what they were each designed to do best. The only problem with the A-10 is that low cost MANPADS are a threat. But the proposal to use the F-35 for CAS instead of the A-10 doesn’t negate that

They did have to keep some comfort girls around!

Still funny. Better than paying to go to a comedy show.

Maybe the owner scraped it before he scrapped it. In any case, there’s crap in the middle.

You’re funny.

You sure do project a lot for having no skin in the game.