Morried In The Gary

Upon seeing the pictures of a snowless stadium, Johnny Manziel frowned and unrolled Thurman Thomas placing him back in his wallet.

Gawker rage is most entertaining.


P/A ANNCR: "If you all dont start singing, we are going to make you watch the Leafs."

Surprise. Now the Leafs are dumping on fans.

You think it's easy being a fan? One day you're on top of the world, then the next day Electromechanical cooling comes along, runs roughshod over your empire, and you're cast aside to live in the repugnant shadow of BIG Air Conditioning - a mere afterthought in the mind of a

Bought it at wal-mart for $3.99. The receipt is still on my fridge.

I've never heard of this guy. Which NFL team is he a kicker for?

what the hell just happened here.

Pictured: Five jailbirds and one Canary.

If RG3 keeps this up, Dan Snyder is going to tan his hide.

Which part of the evening do you dedicate to conjuring up some godawful guacemole abomination?

The important detail that BIG MEDIA left out of this story, is that the cashier was actually Bazooka Joe.

I'm the same way, but with a blue moon. I cant quit it. I cant.

Coors Banquet is a horror-show of a concoction. Little known fact: Jim Jones was originally going to use it in Jonestown, but he didn't want history to regard him as some fucking animal.


This presents a delicious conundrum. If they throw all of the gay people in jail, who will be left to play soccer?

This guy must be a natural talent. Despite being a champion Foosballer, and an almost Poker Champ, it doesn't even look like he works out.

Dion: Bless me father for I have sinned. I swore out loud, and I was misleading on my taxes. What is my pennance?

Priest: Say 5 Sexy Hail Mary's and kneel on this cheerleader here.

You're right. Something about Mengele that really gets me hard.