Gee, what a surprise. They're all wearing ties.
Gee, what a surprise. They're all wearing ties.
The car ride home was probably very hairy.
That is fucking spot on. And if he's feeling positively regal, he buys Coors Banquet.
Wow, that's impressive. He was literally throwing sounds and noise at her. Pretty neat trick. Plus, he still found time to throw his raquet.
Does stinkeye count?
And as per usual, Billy Butler was the best version of a butler. Indifferent, smug, probably British, and most likely nailing my wife while I am at this fucking Geico convention in Tulsa.
Jesus that's early. Going to have to set my CTE player
You're right, I totally feel something. A new found respect for curling.
Woman City was waiting in the car because 'it's too fucking cold out here.'
Of all the ways to misspell yacht, that one is my favorite.
Did they have enough stretchers to cart the injured off the field?
When your QB can't spell his first name right, what hope is left?
This is one Buccaneer who has pillaged his last Cheesy Gordita Crunch.
*removes shades*
I can listen to the Whaler's theme until the end of time. Thank you.
In the very least, this would give the Giants an excuse for when they're shitting all over the field.
Now That's a Gross Misconduct.
In rule 23.7 Section (i)
A misconduct can be applied when a player is deemed:
interfering with or striking a spectator.
In this case the spectator is his penis.
Snoop should just be thankful that it's just Nick Young, and that Vlade Divac isn't around to handle this beef the Serbian way - rubbing it in salt, various nitrates, as well as some hungarian paprika, before allowing it to cure in a basement. And then shooting it in the back of the head and bulldozing it in to a pit…
How the Christ is Basketball Diaries not on here?
Yes, but will they be allowed out?