Morried In The Gary

Mike Boo!stakas

Not surprised one bit. If TV has taught us anything about Baltimore it's that Ace Of Cakes was a terrible show.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Leave it to Gawker media to find a racist lining in the Ebola outbreak. Kudos, you morally relativistic fuckfaces!

"What the fuck is this thing on my face??? Is this a mole?? HONEY!?!?! COME HERE!!!"

It's still better than the Yankees new mascot - Derek Jeter's bleached, pristine anus.

I'm a Leafs fan dude.
That being said, I do enjoy Chicago's brand of hockey though.
And you're right - they are Scottie and Mike!

Good Old D-Rose. I feel for you man.
Show Toews and Kaner some love while there's still time.

"Why didn't they just shoot him in the heart?"
-George Zimmerman

ok! Umm...I live kind of far though.

It's stories like this that make me hope Ebola wins.

This is not what I meant at all.
-Colonel Sanders.

"Remember the Allemagne"
-Tony Parker

Good Horse, bad.

I was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario. Notable NHL players include Anson Carter, Kevin Weekes, Joel Ward, Anthony Stewart, Chris Stewart and Wayne Simmonds to name a few. Growing up through the rep hockey system, I usually had 3 or more black guys on my team, Joel Ward included. I can assure you that on this

I haven't seen a benched Cuban this upset since Jose and McGwire would tie up Ozzie Canseco to the weight bar and put in 10 sets each.

This is a ton of cash. Maybe all this money will finally lure Bison Dele out of hiding.

Out of curiousity, what size is Tony Parker's Alba Berlin jersey?

me either.

It took Eli Manning 31 tries and 36 minutes to tie his Buster Browns.

This is fantastic. And mostly what this means, is that as a resident of Canada - I'll be watching hockey.