
As a daughter who has never told her mother about her tattoos bc she wept at the idea, please just respect that it's her body. I don't really need for her to approve of them, I just don't want her to think I did it to hurt her. It really has nothing to do with her. At a certain point you have to trust your kid.

I always just assumed it was because they couldn’t show fucking, so it was the next best thing. I mean, with the kind of fucked up attitudes they had any kind of good-natured violence towards women was pretty much the same as sex, right?

I’m really looking forward to being old and single in the future. I’ll surround myself with cats, books, and a fleet of caretaker robots.

Every (particularly white, het) male needs to receive a memo that NO ONE CARES about your last drug trip. It’s as gauche as talking about your dreams. No one cares!

Polyester CANNOT make a come back. I refuse. As an avid secondhand shopper my main issue is natural fibers. I will pretty much buy anything secondhand if it doesn’t have an ugly pattern and is made from nice natural fibers. I’d rather wear a wrinkled bag of natural fibers than any synthetic monstrosity, any day.

Two thoughts. Nudity/butts don’t phase me, but pulled down jeans just looks super gross. It’s that about-to-take-a-poo look. Just take off your damn pants for the ass pic.

Well, at least now these tech infants won’t have to whine at you to uber over (they’ll totally pay you back for it) at 2am to bone them. They can just put their tinder settings on a 1 mi radius and argue over whose going to remain pantsless in their dorm while the other takes the elevator over.

Solidarity with pets who wont kowtow to the man.

Especially for those women whose abortions he had to pay for. I mean, I don’t have any proof or anything, but just look at him. This is a dude who had demanded or pressured a woman to “take care of it” before. I’m pretty sure of it.

Now playing

I googled “opening prosecco” and this appeared. I think it’s my favorite thing I’ve ever seen on youtube. The jazz background is perfect. Who are these ladies? Can I come over for brunch?

I love the idea and glamour of perfumes but I am allergic and asthmatic and even though I can enjoy that first sniff of a pretty perfume the next sensation I enjoy is burning and coughing and sometimes hives. I can wear oils tho! They don’t have as much upmph as perfumes, but I’ve been wearing this one for a while and

I’m not saying Uncle Terry is satan, but it certainly is fitting that her enormous pregnancy seems like a Rosemary’s Baby type situation where the fetus nearly sucks the life out of her. Jeez. I did not know the human body could stretch like that.

Because I’m a terrible gardener and I can buy it two blocks away from my neighborhood bodega. Move to Seattle, Mia.

Ooo, somebody got a folksy makeover! I sincerely hope that his vast collection of Affliction tees and leather wrist cuffs were donated to underprivileged douchebags in need.

Omg, I tried to watch that but I can’t really remember if I did because I couldn’t look directly at it and maybe blacked out a few times from my secondhand embarrassment. Also, I’m about 99% sure that (if) once my mom wants to show me she’s cool with with my queerness she will rent this movie when I come home to

Yes! If you made me guess the ages of these women I’d think they were about the same. I think it’s some obsession with the idea of under 25, when irl you’re going to have to card them to know. I’d love to see some study, like those who swap genders of names on resumes, to swap ages for Hollywood casting. Although, I’m

The idea of a 32 year old dating a 20 year old isn’t totally savory, but isn’t terrible. But seeing that pic makes me want to call CPS. Jeez, 20 year olds are still babies. Leave her alone. Let her get stoned and watch vines or whatever kids do, she doesn’t need his complicated crusty ass.

I looked up the meaning of “nonplussed” because I hear it used in such different ways. I got this:

This is really not even the biggest problem with this shitshow, but uh, notice how all the male characters (which is pretty much all but one) inexplicably have human mouths, teeth even! But the lady hotdog bun pretty much has a blow up doll vag for a mouth. That’s all I’m seeing when I look at it.

I actually know someone who was in a short lived punk band named “Normcore”. It was all songs about Cheers. Much better than the trend.