McCoy's Mistress

She can make her own like I did. It includes my dog, coffee cups, and a machete. Pie-Pie made it for me and it was an anniversary gift to my husband.

Oh. I’m sure she has had work done. It can be done a lot less obviously these days (for a price, I’m sure). Even so, she always looks freakin amazing. I love her so much.


Apropos of nothing, is there some reason she chooses to go for the slicked-back pulled-back severe-schoolmarm look on this show all the time? Is it a psychological thing maybe? Or is it maybe that Splinter only does articles on her when she’s sporting that look? It’s straight-up “B-movie villainess” and I’m baffled

• This administration disparages and attempts to discredit legitimate reporting and the legitimate role of the news media in seeing to it that business done in the public’s name is done in the light of day. And yet, this same news media whimpers and simpers about showing a member of this administration — and someone

And as always, Maggie Haberman was the Ground Zero of Dumbass Motherfucker Tweets on this topic. Motherfuck the New York Times.

She’s great at it. She doesn’t miss a beat. For every article Splinter and others post about her having a “meltdown” or “freakout”, she stays consistently on message and is never actually shaken. She just gets louder and more insult-y.

First of all, Trump absolutely “looks” like a guy who needs hookers. He is practically a stereotype.

Dude, the pee tape is totally real. It has to be. Dump never would’ve railed on about it to Comey in the totally uninvited way that he did if it wasn’t.

Make no mistake, he’s exactly the sort of guy who needs (and probably has come to prefer) hookers.

He’s definitely got some blind spots...one of his comments on Trump:

This man’s narcissism knows no bounds.

What I get out of this is that Comey thought Hillary would win but didn’t want Hillary to win. He was one of those schmucks who thought Trump would ‘grow into the role’ of PotUS. He seems surprised that Trump runs the government like a mafioso, but Trump’s been mobbed up for decades and runs his business like the mob,

That was infuriating. How willfully blind does he have to be to refuse to see what the true results of his actions were? You screwed up big time, son, own it and make amends if you can figure out how. TRY.

I’m sorry, but I think the Feds should do background/criminal/education/ethics checks on ALL candidates before they are even allowed to run.

Comey is problematic. I get that he’s turning lemons (getting fired) into lemonade here (making what will probably be a ton of money off the book), but for all his country and truth above all else talk, he’s very much putting Jim Comey above all else and making it less likely that the truths Mueller finds in this

“I felt like I was totally alone, that everybody hated me.”

“doesn’t “look like a guy who needs hookers.”

So Trump brought it up out of the blue and used this as a defense. Whether there is a pee tape or not, it’s pretty clear Trump thinks there is.

Given how things are going, I can’t wait for someone to claim they have it and bring the administration down over illegal cover ups

I can’t get over the Greek tradegy we find ourselves waking up to every morning. The very man that is responsible for Trump in office had his career prematurely ended by him and is now on a publicity tour making money off a tell-all book. The only pleasure I get from this is hoping it will drive him closer to a

Comey’s response to why he reopened the email investigation is woefully inadequate. What he’s telling us is that if he didn’t think Hilary was going to win, then the case wouldn’t have been reopened, which indicates that pursuing justice wasn’t his motivation.