McCoy's Mistress

Pompeo has motive to frame Pence, get him removed and take his place, then wait for impeachment. Previous descriptions of Pompeo’s organizational ability would make that sound unlikely, but maybe he’s all strategic like that. This Bremberg cat may have done it on behalf of a co-conspirator like Pompeo.

That was amazing, even for the Trumpsters. This is a test to see if you are ready to be put in a home, or are hallucinating badly.  It’s not a neuropsych evaluation.

God, remember when the president took a physical,  which resulted in oddly good remarks, and that physician was essentially offered a promotion?

Sessions will be gone no later than after midterms (my money is on Trump being unable to control himself and firing Sessions via Twitter in the middle of a Manafort-pardoning orgasm sometime in the next month). Trump will be without a replacement AG selection for several weeks because the first four people he

Did any of them retract their statements? It’s more that the press stopped reporting on it because...he wasn’t a Senator anymore.

Probably adopt the lighter skinned kids to upstanding white families in the US and the darker skinned kids into shitty foster and group homes, then complain that those brown skinned kids grew up to be criminals, as we all know those brown skinned folks are.

Also the Trump chineck. I know Ivanka had plastic surgery as a teenager, so it’s not as bad as it could have been, but her whole face and neck still look like they’re melting and losing defining features.

Bring the 80s back? He still THINKS it’s the 80s.

Yet another mark for Bringing the Eighties Back, a senile President with an ever loosening grip on reality.

Does he want to bring the 80s back or does the sundowning pudknob think they’re still happening?


Game over. Conservatives won. First they’ll come for roe and then they’ll come for gay rights. 

He just turned 72. A 72-year old man who’s never exercised in his life and eats lots of fast food.

He’s not going to run, can NYC media types stop trying to will this into existence?

Basically this, except the US and Germany traded sides and Russia is the instigator this time.

I was just saying this to my husband - what a stupid fucking world war it would be. It would be a straight up repeat of WWII in a lot of ways - because one side will driven very specifically by the egos of fascists and fascist-wannabes.

I hate Trump and have a consistent rage-boil about him, but the anger I feel toward his enablers - particularly those in Congress - is an anger I don’t think I’ve ever felt before... I don’t think I knew it was possible to be as angry as I am at the GOP Congress.

Unless you’re being sarcastic: Thoughts and prayers for your naïveté.

That meeting should be fun. One of them is a megalomaniacal, fat ass dictator who doesn’t listen to his advisors, and the other is the leader of North Korea.

What a great warm-up act for someone who is undoubtedly on his way to Singapore to get us into a nuclear war with North Korea.