Mr. Win, Gerrymandering Arguments (It's TOTALLY Legal!)

#1 smacks of misogyny. Maybe she’s not “flustered.” Maybe she’s speaking passionately about a state-sanctioned injustice that hits close to home for her, her family, and her constituents. As someone who’s also part of a marginalized group, I get why she’s speaking out like that. Its hard to maintain the phony decorum

They care about Jesus Christ just fine, because they all wanna be martyrs just like him.

Tarantino: I think you mean two hundred and six FEWER curse words, motherfucker.

If I had a dollar for every artist that said he, she or they claiming retirement I would have $917.

This is a coordinated push by the RNC, far-right media outlets, and pretty much every racist charlatan on social media to smear AOC. Not shocked the administration sent out one of their dishonest stormtroopers to further the smear.

Perhaps we need do need to be liberated.

Kinda like how the Nazis were all “what are you talking about these ‘camps’ for? There are no camps.”

Border Patrol has said that’s not true

What part of “I have personally been there and talked to people” did you not understand?

The cruelty is the point. They aren't going to do anything because this is want they want.

Right, yes. I’ll be sure to take solace in not looking like an A-hole bike rider whilst sitting in a hospital bed. Cheers for that.

Those folks look to be going WAY too hot through traffic. I’m not saying lane splitting makes you invincible! 

White people have been like this forever. They’ve committed countless atrocities against the First Nations people, Black people and Aborigines around the world and they have no problem with it happening to Latinos now. The vast majority of White people have never been on the right side of history.

“We care about Jesus Christ” scream those who laugh at dead migrant children.

Didn’t you read the article? Especially the parts about the FB groups making racist and sexist memes out of AOC and the abuses happening down there? Do you suppose maybe they do that to be funny? Then those people are happy about how this is going. Do you suppose that maybe those people are making light of a horrible

As the Post writes, when Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), delivered remarks, one protester shouted at her, “We care about Jesus Christ. We don’t care about Sharia law.” Tlaib is one of three Muslim lawmakers in the House.

Is this where we’re at now? Shitting on seemingly decent people because they happen to have lots of money? Because losing a parent isn’t hard or emotional when you have money...amirite?!

After sitting in many board meetings personally (part of my job), and after the garbage that was done to people like Ke$sha, Kelly Clarkson, JoJo, and countless others, I am never on the side of the record label, and am never inclined to believe whatever they put out. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like Taylor