Mr. Win, Gerrymandering Arguments (It's TOTALLY Legal!)

Don’t you EVER say Russo again or I’m gonna wedgie you on a FIFTEEN FOOT POLE! Then, I’m gonna have Kevin Nash and Booker T fight for the right to get you down off that fifteen-foot pole, and whoever wins is the #1 CONTENDER and will face Bret THE HITMAN Hart for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship OF THE

It’s not really her fault; some idiot asked her about it. It’s not like she “chose to take this stance” by scheduling a press conference to announce she wouldn’t go. Someone interviewing her asked her a question, and she answered the question presented to her.

All good points, but Rapinoe also celebrated a goal too much, so who’s really the bad one here?

“I was a public defender. I didn’t become a prosecutor,” he said.

“States’ rights” - where have I heard that before?

Okay, let’s horse race the debate tonight, purely by performance.

Jim Crow survived for so long because of “local control!” How did he not know or care about that?

I didn’t oppose bussing. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education...because racists everywhere, including my constituents and my bros in the Senate, proactively worked towards segregation so the federal government had to get involved to uphold the law because as we all know racists everywhere

This tweet wins everything. I’m dying here.

It started off as a “Right on, sister! Preach!!” for the first few seconds and then it made a screeching right turn into crazy-town. By the time she was done with her first sound bite, I was all:

No problem. I’m on summer vacation. I have all day to find these instead of write my curriculum.


For real my life goal is to visit McConnell’s grave and spit on it.  I don’t feel that way about any other human, even Trump.

I realize I’m spamming here, but this is how it starts. A poor woman of colour outside a dollar store. Some day they will come for the lower middle class single white woman who miscarried because she couldn’t afford to work only one job while hella pregnant.

I still can’t understand how anybody can watch the way Trump behaves and think “yep, that’s good and normal.” If the guy who grooms my dogs behaved like this, spoke like this, tweeted like this... I’d find a new guy to groom my fucking dogs. And I’m not even talking about the abhorrent racism and xenophobia and

You and I both know he just forgot that part.

Trump - Friend of The Blacks and The Gays.

I’m seriously surprised he didn’t make a comment about her being a lesbian.

Also Vince: