Kojima being as focused and visionary (ugh) as he is, I would guess that there was much less speculation and redesign than there usually is in a game like Anthem or Ghost Recon.
Kojima being as focused and visionary (ugh) as he is, I would guess that there was much less speculation and redesign than there usually is in a game like Anthem or Ghost Recon.
They’re like Mad Max or Death Race movies: One guy’s vision, pure and unfiltered, flaws and all for your judgement. Undiluted sci-fi nuttery that isn’t a blatant ripoff of something else is rare these days.
Yeah, but Colin Kaepernick isn’t white-LINEMAN! Isn’t a lineman, I meant to say. Man, that tongue gets all slippery sometimes!
Or just keep the gun in your hands, to use in case an officer tries to shoot you without cause.
South Park.
I would make an exception for Nina Hartley and Sunny Leone-that was probably the most educational porn scene ever filmed.
Look up solipsism, and avoid it in the future. People deserve a chance to change their minds.
You haven’t seen the movie, and nothing is forcing you to. Let’s start right there.
Fuck this hydrox cookie with a stack of sheriff badges. And don’t straighten the badges out, either-random six-points in all directions, IN HIS ANUS.
I’m a Black man, but I feel like the plight of the indigenous peoples of these supposed United States is the most underrepresented and underreported epidimic in our country, because it’s been going on literally since the beginning of this country! We, at least, had the Reconstruction and Civil Rights Act, but it seems…
How do you know that?...
That just makes me want it MORE!
Well, try an Impossible Burger and see.
It’s a pretty great deal for everyone involved, except for the NCAA, which is the best possible outcome.
If you cut a burger in half and put it on a hot dog bun, is it a hot dog?
So is every other TV show.
Dollar General. You’re welcome.
These crackers are gonna be PISSED when they realize Chuck D’s been wearing Wranglers for DECADES!
They always, ALWAYS try to recruit US against the country! The British, the Canadians, the Cubans, the Nazis, the Commies, the cartels... And all we’ve ever done is take what had to offer and twist it back on their bitch asses! Shout out to the Buffalo Soldiers and the Red Tails.