Mr. Win, Gerrymandering Arguments (It's TOTALLY Legal!)

These are the first two comments I’ve read on Kinja today, and I’m turning off my fucking computer right now before I develop asthma.

These are the first two comments I’ve read on Kinja today, and I’[m turning off my fucking computer right now before I develop asthma.

I watch it, but I’m waiting on the cheapskate muscleheads to get further into it. There’s only but so many Evos and Miatas I can stand.

“so burbly” is the objectively right opinion.

My mother’s a shut-in. Also, you’re a douchebag.

It’s definitely more than none. People are generally creeps, we do whatever we think we can get away with and prefer not causing trouble to stopping something bad from happening.

I think the only moral pets are workhorses-that is, horses and donkeys and mules bred for work, bears, wolves, bulldogs, lynxes, caracals, tigers, lions, panthers, hawks, eagles, owls...Basically, anything that can fuck your shit up if you’re a trash pet owner, and also understand English.

You come for the action, you laugh at the attempts to justify the action and whatever semblance of a plot there is, you buy plenty of food and popcorn to support the theater and you don’t whine and bitch about a movie you haven’t seen and don’t care to, you whiny motherfucker you.

They’ve stolen someone’s taillights and turned them upside down. Volvo, maybe?

I would have kept one of the earlier, defective sinks that overflowed and spilled water after a while. You know, to save on water... and research & development...

Somebody hasn’t seen that Lexus van yet!

You assume your child would tell you... I got kicked out of dorms and slept on benches and new friends’ couches for a whole semester. Never told my family. I’m right next to my brother right now, and I’m still not gonna tell him.

There’s about 45,000 thirst traps who would disagree with you.

Nope. The proper place to start a Marvel movie marathon is Blade, or maybe Generation X.

From what I’ve heard on Instagram, Eric came to Nipsey’s store that morning, a popular hood hangout, and Nipsey and his friends told him he couldn’t hang out on account of being a snitch. He left, then came back later to kill him.

NO! He was murdered by an ex-Crip snitch who he had told couldn’t hang outside of his store earlier that day. Damn, am I the only one on Instagraam?

THIS... This is the high-quality reporting and journalism I come to Gizmedia sites for!

I find that ordering a double patty with the cheese betwixt the two solves that problem. Double Rallyburger with cheese and ketchup instead of tomatoes, that’s my go-to burger and I’m willing to fight about it.

If Mahindra can bring the Roxor over as a SbS, there’s no reason Suzuki shouldn’t be importing Jimnys.

The fuck is training gonna do? FIRE MOTHERFUCKERS. Then wait three months, run another check, and FIRE MOTHERFUCKERS AGAIN.