Mr. Win, Gerrymandering Arguments (It's TOTALLY Legal!)

Man, FUCK the roof, this is the same V6 in the GT! Squeeze 600 outta that motherfucker with AWD and you’ll be the ULTIMATE sleeper!

Question: How are the brakes? You were a little vague.

A&E, probably. I’ll never understand how that channel went from Inside The Actor’s Studio to Dog the Bounty Hunter.

A&E, probably. I’ll never understand how that channel went from Inside The Actor’s Studio to Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Damn, really? Most commercial breaks are about 2-4 minutes... wait, were you watching BET? They have THE LONGEST COMMERCIAL BREAKS!

There’s a few too many typos for me not to say anything(and I NEVER! say anything about typos), but it’s not really about the article, is it? Great video, Robb. Good job, Jalopnik!

More like Kia Copycat. It looks like a rejected Grand Cherokee concept!

Buh... Wuh... Yuh... THEY DON’T EVEN LOOK ALIKE!!!

Why are you trying to intellectually checkmate children? You know what they did. If they deny it, ground them for lying. If they try to argue you down, ground them for disrespect.

We always go to the polls, shut your fucking mouth.

Give the Indy cars unlimited boost and the F1 cars none at all, then it gets a lot closer...

Now playing

I’ll just leave THIS riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight here:

Batteries are THE WORST part of electric vehicles. I sincerely hope we improve hydrogen production, because water engines would sidestep this whole problem.

What, $70,000,000 U.S. American cash dollars isn’t enough tuition for you?

He’s a much, much, MUCH better dog owner than Duncan Vizla from Polar.

I think you’re shitting on the wrong Clarke here, Jason didn’t ruin the movie.

Because I actually want to meet a vegan who used to eat the way I did and doesn’t miss it? Honestly, I like quite a few imitation meat products and I do think the meat industry is an out of control murder industry shoveling mostly awful products, but I wish they would focus all this energy and hype on how to make

I knew, the day they let that slide, that he was gonna get elected. Because if you could let somebody say that and represent you? Represent your country?

I’m not even a wimp! I love gory, rugged shit like You’re Next! and Nightmare on Elm Street and tense shockers like the first two The Unthinkable or The Purge 2, but I fucking hate to my SOUL when everybody in the movie makes/goes along with stupid fucking decisions just so the director can shoe in as many

this is a tale of clueless jerks who can’t grasp the distinction between the entertaining nature of rock-star abandon and the distasteful practices of loutish shitheads.