
How were they?

I can’t imagine that it’s comfortable. Driving that thing in anger must have been a huge pain.

Free mustache rides?

Yeah, that irked me too. Either no one on D has recorded a sack, or everyone on D has yet to record a sack. The former sounds less awkward.

Now playing

That’s...not Chip Kelly. I’m pretty sure that’s Jim Harbaugh. He’s done the lip-licking thing on camera a few times.

Great picture you selected. I live in Myrtle Beach (Go Pelicans!) but my girlfriend got her MS at USC and the Columbia Fireflies started playing during her time there, so we spent many afternoons/evenings at Spirit Communications(now Segra) Park.

Or Dallas. Jerruh doesn’t mind if you beat your girlfriend and throw her down on a couch full of guns as long as you might be a decent pass rusher. 

That looks positively cavernous and, as I’m in the midst of moving with my (surprisingly capable, tbh) civic coupe, I FUCKING WANT ONE.

Good advice. Should we refer to this maxim as Occam’s Raider?

2 is less of a concern. Crash helmets for racing/cycling still tend to use some sort of expanded polystyrene inside the shell, which is made to compress and fracture to dissipate a lot of kinetic energy in a severe impact one time. Modern football helmets use much less foam (what foam they do have isn’t the same kind

Also, playing HS football between 2004 and 2008, I happened to play during a time when my school was getting some newer stuff but still had a lot of previous-gen leftovers and there were REVOLUTIONARY changes in materials and design between them. Even a “good” one of the older helmets was mildly uncomfortable and

I’ve honestly always wondered if maybe he had thin skin that was prone to irritation and bruising or something, because my head never looked like that, and I played on the line, smashing facemasks together with other fat guys all game long. Sure, any tight helmet is going to tug some skin a bit when it rotates during

Football helmets that fit properly don’t really cause those issues. Yeah, stuff sounds funny when your head’s encased in plastic, but one that fits correctly for your head shape and size doesn’t hurt or obscure vision nearly to the degree one would expect only having played in ill-fitting leftovers.

Yes. There’s a good blend of ovals and gp circuits, they have a double-header in Detroit every year, and it’s not the same one team winning every damn race. There are multiple skilled drivers from different backgrounds with different pit strategies and it’s not always a Mercedes 1-2.

Did you see his first crack at the 500? He led a chunk of the race and was definitely in contention for the win until his engine shat itself.

She gets a bit better about that (or at least more aware of it) as the series wears on, but yeah I agree

29 here. Not at all. I occasionally tuned to it when I was younger and never was able to see the appeal, and then just recently I stumbled upon some re-runs and forced myself to give it another shot. No dice. I find everyone one the show annoying and intolerable in their own special way, and it never once made me

THANK YOU. I was looking for this.

Those all just seem kind of...bloated to me. I dunno. Not my cup of tea.

I was worried I was the only one that's never thought Zagato's work was an improvement