
He reached maximum speed waaaay up at like 98,000ft. 50% of the earth’s atmosphere is below 18,000ft. Baumgartner slowed down as the atmosphere got denser when he came down.

When people talk about terminal velocity of a falling person, it’s generally in reference to a distance much closer to the surface, well inside

I think it’s more correct to say that a reckless asshole making a very stupid decision to play with a drone in the vicinity of firefighting air traffic is really what led to the collision

a genuine desire to provide real-time information on the fire’s progress doesn’t undo their genuine recklessness in violating a TFR and putting the drone up illegally in the vicinity of firefighting air traffic. 

Drone operators are required to abide by all Temporary Flight Restrictions imposed by the FAA. I can understand wanting to know where the fire is, but this person is an absolute idiot for taking the drone up in violation of the TFR over the firefighting area. It was not reasonable to assume it would be safe or prudent

Looks kinda like a Polestar I saw today from that rear quarter angle

I would LOVE to see the results of this conversation turned into an article, if that’s at all possible.

I’ve been on flights where a baby absolutely did cry the whole time.
90-minute flights, but still way too damn long to have to listen to a shrieking infant.

Disagree. I managed to stay awake for the entirety of Fury Road. Bullitt put me to sleep waiting for the movie to become interesting and I didn’t even see the car chase scene the first time I tried to watch it.

Neither would the people at the bottom of the cliff.

I’m aware of the intentional crash. I just figured there had to be more to the guy than hating Prost in order for him to be a “Net Negative,” and I find that idea fascinating.

He was a bit before my time, so I’ve never seen him discussed in any less than the most glowing terms. I’d like to read a piece where you elaborate on this unpopular opinion for two reasons: It would be a refreshing change, and the comments section would be fucking fantastic.

Nah, the detents are fine. Maybe the author had a bad unit, but I think Ford struck a good balance between “easy enough for anyone to twist even if they’ve got carpal tunnel or something” and “yes, you absolutely can feel how many detents you’re clicking past without having to look at it”

It does. Park is all the way left (or, as other have said already, just turn the engine off and it’ll automatically put itself in park) and revers is just one single click to the right. It's not nearly as difficult or unfriendly as this piece makes it seem. 

I find it hilarious that, as her eyes went in different directions, so did her boobs

The service department at the Subaru dealer here in Myrtle Beach is also super transparent and helpful. Never had an issue with them, and they go above and beyond every time.

I simply will not stand for such disrespect toward Don Henley

It doesn’t look anything like a Sportster, though

I’d gleefully drive this around town just to piss off all the red hat dickwads where I live.

Doesn’t fit neatly into the single role of a traditional car or a boat. “Traditional” cars don’t float. “Traditional” boats don’t roll on roads. This does both. Definitely a non-binary vehicle.

Fuck, I was just gonna check it out for a few seconds until the initial giggle wore off.

I watched the whole damn race. Fascinating. That must be killer on the legs and back. Neck too, maybe.