
Bugeye Subaru WRX (2002-ish). 4-speed automatic transmission is not always in the right gear when you want it, but they're apparently pretty stout. I've heard guys mod the bug eyes for drag racing and will go up to 400hp before needing to upgrade the transmission. Also, turbo lag is a super fun quirk once you get used


Makes sense, it was the season opener.

I think the complaint is stronger if you reference how Leclerc was right up Vettel’s ass in the closing laps, with Seb asking “why are we so slow?” as Charles closed the gap to half a second...before magically losing that speed advantage entirely and dropping back to 3.5 seconds behind. Sky's broadcast team

Which aspect of it was embarrassing? The Eclipse or Tyrese?

I don’t think it’s the casting itself so much as the color scheme accompanying it. Picking lime green and purple for your death-themed truck is obviously a Digger rip-off. If they’d gone with the black and red/orange/yellow flame color scheme more reminiscent of classic hot rods, there probably wouldn’t be an issue

I keep seeing people say it was SOOO GOOD and wondering what about it I missed when I saw it. I haven’t seen the last two transformers movies, so maybe my expectations weren’t sufficiently low to be surprised by this one, but I didn’t find Bumblebee to be much of an improvement over the first installment, if at all.


That straight-six was still in the front though. I think that’s the big sticking point for a lot of people. Whatever engine it has (V-8 is best, obviously), it goes between the front wheels, not behind the driver.

Nothing can top the C7R’s sound. It’s like the voice of Zeus, if he's yelling in whatever language artillery barrages speak.

I came specifically to see if anyone had screencapped/posted that one. Double middle fingers, obviously screaming “PUTOS” as the broadcast director realized what was going on and had them cut away. Fucking priceless.

The gold Speedster logo behind the seats doesn’t go either. Would be better in silver, since the rest of the car is in grey tones.

Can you elaborate on that? I don’t get what a “semi-automatic” transmission is. Is it like push-button shifting or like an automatic that you can shift if/when you want to?

Getting hit by pitches is frustrating. He just needs to shout, shout, let it all out.

Starred for the F-22 reference.

I know she’s a motorcycle racer and not a racecar driver, but Ana Carrasco deserves a mention in the next installment.

If the first thing that comes to mind when I mention “Dave Grohl” and “Stage Presence” is “Guitarist,” then you weren’t picking up what I’m putting down. That’s the whole point. You can practice and nail every riff and solo note-perfect, but “as a guitarist” you’d still just be some dude playing covers really well.

Goddamn. I’ve seen both of those movies, and even actually enjoyed UNCLE, but holy shit I don’t remember her being in either. Wow.

No, I get what they’re going for here. The silhouette and many of the design features are obviously ripped from Bentley, but they didn’t get it quiiiite right, and it doesn’t have the same just-right proportions that Bentley was able to hammer out. It’s a Fusion in a cheap Bentley halloween costume from Wal-Mart.


I can’t help it if my dealer appreciates loyal customers that bring him more loyal customers and shows that appreciation with frequent free t-shirts when I visit and a substantial discount on the branded gear he carries...

Starred for “Hawks vs. Ducks.”